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POLL: So Who Bought Them & Who Didn't? (the 2006 GOUT DVD release) — Page 3

CO: By the way, conversations like this is why I love this site.

I agree, and this is why I love coming here!

Btw, does anyone know if/when rental stores will be carrying these DVDs?
Originally posted by: ESHBG
CO: By the way, conversations like this is why I love this site.

I agree, and this is why I love coming here!

Btw, does anyone know if/when rental stores will be carrying these DVDs?

Probably not. They'll be sticking with the 2004 sets.

And CO, I love coming here and reading your posts. You hit the nail on the head most of the time.

You also made a point about now people can choose which version to like. Most people on this board are thinking that now that casual fans can choose between a non anamorphic, old looking transfer and a sparkly new one, people will chosoe the special edition. Well, that's not the case. Last May, when these DVD's were announced, I'd never seen nor cared about the OOT. I'd gotten the 2004 set as a birthday present from one of my family's best friends, and I was more than thrilled. I didn't know the difference. But when I saw this announcement, and started looking around the web, I got to original trilogy.com, and saw the 70,000 signatures of the petition. I soon ordered a bootleg DVD set off eBay, and I fell in love with the unaltured trilogy. It was that quick. And my bootlegs looked bad. Really bad. But I chose them over the 2004 remastered versions.

That has to say something. That has to say that there are other people out there who will do the same. I was a casual fan. I was a casual fan because I'd never seen the real movies. But look at me now, advocating for the OOT and bashing Lucas with the rest of you here on this board.

I'm young. Younger than all of you, probably. But I chose outdated effects over CGI (though I consider older effects to be better than CGI any day) unlike my peers who thought the PT was cool because of animated Yoda.

Maybe I'm just weird. But I hope to hell that I'm not.
Watch DarthEvil's Who Framed Darth Vader? video on YouTube!

You can also access the entire Horriffic Violence Theater Series from my Channel Page.
I just have to say that I never get tired of hearing your story, Darth_Evil. I mean, that's definitely a huge point for us against the, "You're just being too nostalgic!" crowd. Obviously the originals have something going for them besides nostalgia if you're here.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Darth_Evil, I had no idea that your first introduction to the movies were the '04 SEs.

I guess you don't have to have grown up with the original versions of the movies like I did, in order to appreciate their artistry.

I am guilty as charged, I bought the dvds, my only disapointment is I wished there was the mono mix, but then again, I am happy that we can buy the unaltered original trilogy, even though it is not 16:9.
CO: The fact that SW is only 'flavour of the month' for your nephew and other kids all over the world, is that there is so much ELSE to watch and be into. It is well documented that SW filled a void in fun adventure films in the late 70s which is why it made such an impact on us. There was only ONE movie to go and see that year. But this time round it is different - POTC as you mentioned for one. The Matrix when PT was out. SW isnt on its own this time - it is having to share kids time with other stuff.
I will not purchase these bargain-bin tombola prizes.

I will save my money and, perhaps, buy three of Eureka's superb 'Masters Of Cinema' releases instead.
Don't you call me a mindless philosopher...!
Originally posted by: CO
We need to make him realize that any Saga boxset in the future has to contain the O-OT in it or he won't get a dime from us.

I heartfully agree with that! We have to tell Lucas(film) that they have to release properly remastered DVDs of the O-OT (just match the quality of the Indiana Jones boxset, and we'll be happy). Let's start a new letter campaign to Lucasfilm, telling them that we won't buy anything star wars related until the O-OT get a proper release...
I bought them based on reviews here, and I regret it. Besides the known anamorphic issue, they are not that much better than the PAL transfers, the packaging is crap (I mean really budget), the DVNR smearing is still there, and FOR **** SAKES the subtitles go off the bottom of a widescreen when zooming in to use full width! Hello? Hello? This is hugely jarring and basically wrecks that entire scene. How amazing, they found a new way to destroy this previously destroyed scene.

I appreciate that some Lucasfilm employees appear to have forced George to agree to a basic release, but it's not very good.
Darth Lucas: I am altering the trilogy. Pray I don't alter it further.
Originally posted by: Fuser
CO: The fact that SW is only 'flavour of the month' for your nephew and other kids all over the world, is that there is so much ELSE to watch and be into. It is well documented that SW filled a void in fun adventure films in the late 70s which is why it made such an impact on us. There was only ONE movie to go and see that year. But this time round it is different - POTC as you mentioned for one. The Matrix when PT was out. SW isnt on its own this time - it is having to share kids time with other stuff.

I respectfully disagree, I still think it comes down to quality, and that is why the PT is the 'flavor' of the month, or 'flavor' of the summer for my nephew and many of his friends.

SW in 1977 wowed me then and wows me now cause it is a great fuckin movie, plain & simple. ESB wowed me in 1980 and wows me now cause it is a great fuckin movie. ROTJ was always very good, but even today I just look at is the last leg of the trilogy, so it gets a pass.

The difference is my nephew saw the saga 1-6, and TPM was his first experience with SW, and though he did like it, he never loved it. He kept watching the saga as the story of Anakin Skywalker, and that does a huge disservice when getting to 4,5,6 cause I never watched the OT movies for Anakin Skywalkers tragedy, I watched it for the good guys.

The bottom line for me is SW '77 is my favorite movie of all-time, and ESB is #2 on my list, cause they are movies that are better than anything in the genre that have ever come out. Growing up I enjoyed Star Trek II, III, IV, Superman I & II, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Terminator and Alien 1 & 2, so there was competition for SW with quality fantasy movies, but even though I love those movies, they don't come close to the OT movies.

The difference between this generation of SW fans is that they are not going to look back at TPM 20 years from now the way we looked at SW in 1997, and there is one reason for that: QUALITY. A great movie has to pass the test of time, and TPM & AOTC are not great movies, even to PT fans. The only movie that I hear PT fans rave about is ROTS, and one great movie does not make a trilogy.

I remember in 1989 and when Batman came out with Michael Keaton and there was nothing that year that competed with it as it blew the competition away that summer. I saw it and I like it, but looking at the movie 17 years later as it was on HBO this summer, it is an OK movie, but the quality just isn't there that makes it a great movie, and that is why the movie is not resonating with me years later.

The PT movies just aren't as great as the OT movies, no matter what the PT gushers say, and that goes a long way in why my nephew is not a SW junkie like I was even after 1983 when SW was supposedly dead. The problem is by seeing the saga 1-6, it is just an interesting story with some great films and some bad films, so how can he fall in love with that? What would make him wake up on a Saturday morning and say, "Geez, I am in the mood to watch TPM or AOTC today, I have been dying to watch them!!!!" He won't do it cause the replay value of those movies is not great, cause they are not great movies, they are just part of the story now 1-6 that drag down the saga now.

For me growing up, I WANTED to watch any OT movie anytime, cause even though they were a trilogy, the movies were that good that they could stand on their own for individual enjoyment. TPM was made knowing that there were two movies to come, so Lucas just made it as a setup movie to the PT, and that is why it is just that, and when it comes to replay value, who the hell wants to watch a setup movie when you can finish the trilogy that day?

I just don't buy the argument that the competition is what makes the PT different, cause a classic movie will always stand the test of time, no matter how long it takes.

Originally posted by: Darth_Evil

And CO, I love coming here and reading your posts. You hit the nail on the head most of the time.

You also made a point about now people can choose which version to like. Most people on this board are thinking that now that casual fans can choose between a non anamorphic, old looking transfer and a sparkly new one, people will chosoe the special edition. Well, that's not the case. Last May, when these DVD's were announced, I'd never seen nor cared about the OOT. I'd gotten the 2004 set as a birthday present from one of my family's best friends, and I was more than thrilled. I didn't know the difference. But when I saw this announcement, and started looking around the web, I got to original trilogy.com, and saw the 70,000 signatures of the petition. I soon ordered a bootleg DVD set off eBay, and I fell in love with the unaltured trilogy. It was that quick. And my bootlegs looked bad. Really bad. But I chose them over the 2004 remastered versions.

That has to say something. That has to say that there are other people out there who will do the same. I was a casual fan. I was a casual fan because I'd never seen the real movies. But look at me now, advocating for the OOT and bashing Lucas with the rest of you here on this board.

I'm young. Younger than all of you, probably. But I chose outdated effects over CGI (though I consider older effects to be better than CGI any day) unlike my peers who thought the PT was cool because of animated Yoda.

Maybe I'm just weird. But I hope to hell that I'm not.

Thanks man, I appreciate it, even though I may write long posts, I really just try to be honest with my opinions. Even though we all are on the internet here who are up to date on the SW DVD world, the majority of fans are not, and dont' frequent the internet, and that is why the outrage doesn't seem huge among the masses, but that doesn't mean fans still dont' want the O-OT.

All of my friends have never posted on a SW website, and do think I a little nuts sometimes for posting. Most of them love SW as much as me but have moved on either after the SE, TPM, or after ROTS. They just don't care about SW anymore in a sense of what Lucas is doing in the future. They are not getting pissed off about the O-OT not being out in 2004, but EVERYONE of those same friends prefers the O-OT, and that is key.

Not one friend I know has said, "I love the SE, screw the O-OT." Everyone of them prefers the O-OT, but doesn't have the passion like me to write letters to Lucasfilm to get it put out. Lucas has done a great job in 10 years of cleansing the O-OT from SW fans minds, and many have accepted the SE, even though they don't love it. I remember in 2004 when the SE was announced I told my friend they werent the originals and he said, "It's the OT in some form or another, lets take what we can get."

But as I said in an earlier post, those fans have smartened up now, and even though they all ran out in 2004, they are not going to run out in 2007 if it just contains the SE with more changes. It is like the old saying, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Everyone had to have some version of SW on DVD in 2004, and that is why those sales are so great, but those same people don't have to have it again with more changes in 2006.

I bought the set in pre-order from the Star Wars Shop. The only bummer for me is that Best Buy fans get the Tin Case, Circuit City fans get the Lithos, Target fans get the concept art, and all the Star Wars Shop fans got was the lousy "Who Shot First?" collectable Topps card that is part of a series, but you have to buy other things to get the other cards.....I guess I will scour eBay for a good price on the lithos as I like the way they look and they would make a nice blank spot on my wall alot nicer.

I watched Empire first and that one seemed pretty nice. My T.V. allows me to zoom and with the letterbox I did just that and it looked alot better that way. The only other thing I seemed to notice aside from the inlays for each disc was the "retro" disc art for the bonus discs...not really a grand touch but something unusual anyways. The menus for the bonus discs could have had a better treatment but they probably figure if you ARE buying them for the bonus discs you aren't buying them for the menus.

Anyways, I look forward to watching the other too just to see how dated I remember them to be and what made me fall in love with them in the first place, aside from shelling out another round of cash for a set of discs I already own.

Originally posted by: Jetrell Fo

I watched Empire first and that one seemed pretty nice. My T.V. allows me to zoom and with the letterbox I did just that and it looked alot better that way. The only other thing I seemed to notice aside from the inlays for each disc was the "retro" disc art for the bonus discs...not really a grand touch but something unusual anyways. The menus for the bonus discs could have had a better treatment but they probably figure if you ARE buying them for the bonus discs you aren't buying them for the menus.

Anyways, I look forward to watching the other too just to see how dated I remember them to be and what made me fall in love with them in the first place, aside from shelling out another round of cash for a set of discs I already own.

Are you KIDDING? The disc art was great, especially on Jedi. And I fucking LOVED the menus. They're a helluva lot better then the 2004 menus. I love how the poster art basically "assembles" itself on screen, and we hear the John Williams score over them. They're great! I couldn't be any more satisfied with the menus.
Watch DarthEvil's Who Framed Darth Vader? video on YouTube!

You can also access the entire Horriffic Violence Theater Series from my Channel Page.
Once again, I agree. And another thing I just realized I'm glad about is how the presentation of the menus does not scream bonus disc. It doesn't have the Star Wars logo with a huge roman numeral behind it and a tiny, tiny title underneath. They have the REAL TITLES with no episode numbers in sight! It doesn't refer to itself as a bonus disc. It has Play Movie, Chapters, Options, and Special Features, just like a regular DVD would. They're clean and simple and not redundant and half as long as the movie like the SE discs. If not for the cover art of the disc referring to it as a bonus disc and having the new logos, it would be perfect. But just watching the actual disc, you'd never know it was supposed to be supplementary material, and I'm glad someone had the balls to make it like that.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
Once again, I agree. And another thing I just realized I'm glad about is how the presentation of the menus does not scream bonus disc. It doesn't have the Star Wars logo with a huge roman numeral behind it and a tiny, tiny title underneath. They have the REAL TITLES with no episode numbers in sight! It doesn't refer to itself as a bonus disc. It has Play Movie, Chapters, Options, and Special Features, just like a regular DVD would. They're clean and simple and not redundant and half as long as the movie like the SE discs. If not for the cover art of the disc referring to it as a bonus disc and having the new logos, it would be perfect. But just watching the actual disc, you'd never know it was supposed to be supplementary material, and I'm glad someone had the balls to make it like that.

i think that proves the Lucasfilm employees have a passion for the OOT and they promoted it as much as Lucas would let them.
in fact, if it weren't for Lucas's iron fist in keeping the OOT inferior, the OOT might not have even been labled "Bonus Feature" at all.

Let me first take a cue from 88keyz in another thread, I forgot my manners while postiing.

A BIG thank you to George Lucas and company for putting the Original, Unexpanded, Unedited, Unspecialized Original Trilogy where ALL fans of the Original could find it and appreciate it. Regardless of the set it came in it is STILL appreciated.

It seems like my post lost a little when I typed it earlier so I wanted to clarify. I really like the unusual menus for the bonus discs as it keeps the dating of the original trilogy. Hearing the music playing in the background was a nice nostalgic touch as well, I just didn't realise until it was pointed out to me above, so I paid a bit better attention when watching Jedi so I now recant.....lol. I realise that the bonus discs aren't perfect but my DVD player handled them fine and my TV allowed me to adjust the picture to give me a great experience while watching them....there is SUCH a big difference between this set and the 2004 discs. Story wise, music wise, and plain old feeling wise. The artwork for the bonus discs almost "looked" bootlegged....maybe George's way of reaching us with his awkward sense of humor knowing we ARE here to stay.

Anyways, I am sorry this didn't come off in my other post, my mind wasn't focused I guess and the content suffered. My apologies. May I be tossed to the Sarlaac in a barrel full of Bantha Poodoo.......NOT!!!!

Thanks for letting me clear up my post.

I have ROTJ and like it so much I want to buy the other ones. The original movies are the way to be you know.

Thank you George Lucas! (do I sound like that life achievement award show that is in reruns like every month?)

Thank you George Lucas!
I did not purchase them. I have the VHS, the LD set, the LD Definitive set, the LD Special Edition set, the 2004 DVD set, and 4 versions of the LD transfers (Editdroid, Dr. Gonzo, TR47 Cowclops V2, DR M's RTW), plus the OCP movie versions.
So I will wait. The HD versions of this saga will appear, and I will purchase those. For me there is no need to further the collection unless the video resolution changes by an order of magnitude again (ie from VHS to LD, and from LD to DVD).

No I didnt buy them because Im skint at the moment. Dont know if I will bother unless someone gets them for me, Im not sure what to make of them in all honestly, some people say they are good, some say they are crap so I dont know if its worth the investment, I already own the 2004 Editions(silver box) anyway and a nice selection of fan transfers (Editdroid Dr M Citizen Moth3r and OCP's Classic Editions) which I like so I may stick with them....