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Post #240975

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Sudden blockiness of video while editing in PPro 2.0 - Problem solved!
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Date created
3-Sep-2006, 7:54 PM
Hi all.

I am currently doing an extensive fan edit of Episode II using Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0. After having worked hard several days on this, I discovered that about halfway through the video (m2v) file, the video gets very blocky and looks almost overly compressed, though it is not. I tried exporting an mpeg-2 file with a few seconds where this blockiness occurs and it looked the same in the resulting file.

Puzzled, I went out of Premiere and checked the ripped source m2v file. No blockiness at all there. This means that Premiere does something to the file. But what?

The video looks perfect up until the scenes at the Lars' homestead. From then on, every other scene looks like this:


Do any of you good people know how this can be solved? Any thoughts or ideas are more than welcome.