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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released) — Page 51

Originally posted by: DaveHolmes
ocpmovie - have you seen this site before?


His resume says he worked on the film from Nov 1990-May 1992.

fyi, the first background is for the wide shot of Zig-Zag walking up to Mighty One-Eye (right after the bravura pullback)
The last one is for the shot of the the balls being raised along with the One-Eyes flag.

I was able to overlay the frames from the workprint and they fit almost exactly... except that the background images are flipped backwards.

"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
The quietness is not for lack of great things going on.

I've just decided to keep quiet about some things as there's nothing concrete to report yet ..... this month .... Big things are in the works and I'll explain about that when I have more to explain.

The Nasruddin script is in the mail and should arrive .... sometime.
I have the 1969 script for the Nasruddin film The Majestic Fool.

It is the strangest thing I've ever read.

It's just bizarre ... nonsense. It's clear that the film The Thief and the Cobbler became ten thousand times better by doing away with all the dialogue, because the dialogue is ......... nonsense. Repetitive nonsense. It all feels like a lot of inane shouting.

I'm surprised by how many little things from the Thief film are in here. Many of the little bits of business the Thief does are in the script ....

You'll be surprised by the original ending to the witch scene. I was.



Is the bread scene scripted the same way as it is in the video clip you have?
Yes it is, roughly, apart from an appearance by The Thief.

The character of Zigzag did come from the Anwar character, but he also seems to have taken on elements of "Parata" and "Zappo the Great", two other characters in the script.

Very interesting stuff. I'll try to scan it when I can.
I've been thinking - what if we record the dialogue from "The Majestic Fool" screenplay and then set that audio track against the artwork/cells that we have from the film?

We can of course insert the whole bread scene in its proper place.

I think that would make for another great supplemental DVD.

But who would do the voicework...

Hire someone? Do it ourselves?

Either way - just a thought.
Nah ....

You get the idea from reading it. More than get the idea. You'll see.

We don't actually have artwork depicting much of what happens in the film, or many of its characters. Some of the things happen in the film, but happen to different characters than in The Majestic Fool .... so reading is sure to jog your memory better than any attempt at reconstruction would.
Since it's a bit quiet here, thought I would mention that I did an update to http://www.masteranimator.com by posting a biograpghy section (was listed as "under construction"). Added a few more photos in the photo section also. Nothing dramatic but it seemed to have come out pretty good.
Nice stuff.

Storyboard artist Douglas Kirk wants to do a presentation on the Thief at the school where he teaches ... with me along for support. Should be fun if it happens.

Waiting to hear from ... certain people.
Originally posted by: ocpmovie
Waiting to hear from ... certain people.

I'm breathless with anticipation!

Hi again all, I'm back from a two-week break. I'll get straight onto my friend with the scanner and see whether he can help with getting that poster scanned. Thanks for the email ocp, glad you like what I sent.

I found the Marx Bros clip very interesting indeed. I really admire that particular piece of animation in T&C.
Quick update on the poster: I have found someone who can scan it in A3-sized sections for stitching together. I think that will be OK, as I believe this covers the whole width, so only one or two horizontal stitch lines will be present. He's away this weekend, but I hope to get this done during next week.

The Mk II edit looks great, ocp! There's a lot more quality stuff to see in there. Am I right in saying that even the Brigands scene got spruced up? It seemed clearer to me. Seems like a much better audio mix too. There were some rather loud peaks in the original that have been brought down a bit, like the witch shrieking as she swings on the rope.
Originally posted by: macronencer
Quick update on the poster: I have found someone who can scan it in A3-sized sections for stitching together.

What do you mean by "stitching together"?

Just scan the logo in as few images as possible and then, if it's more than one, we can edit them together digitally.
That IS what he means, Dave.

>> The Mk II edit looks great, ocp! There's a lot more quality stuff to see in there. Am I right in saying that even the Brigands scene got spruced up? It seemed clearer to me. Seems like a much better audio mix too. There were some rather loud peaks in the original that have been brought down a bit, like the witch shrieking as she swings on the rope.

Glad you like it! I didn't change the brigands scene or anything in the sound mix anywhere. Funny what the imagination can do. =) I just changed the witch scene and war machine scene (visually), and 3 shots elsewhere.

ADDENDUM - I'll scan the Majestic Fool script when I can. Sorry for the lack of updates - I've been busy editing the Doctor Who Ten Doctors trailer and now editing Ghostbusted 3, a movie I shot way back in 2003. There will be news ....

Mark Smith has been scouring Ebay and bought two pressbooks for The Thief Who Never Gave Up and The Thief and the Cobbler. He sent me a mockup DVD cover using art from them and though that was lacking, the art he used was quite intriguing. I've asked for scans of the pressbooks themselves.

Noteable are some slightly lame line art versions of characters from the film, and a scan of the Thief and the Cobbler logo with the Thief coming out of the O, that we've seen many places but never gotten a good scan of!

UPDATE ... from Patrick McCart -

> By the way, I found out that the R2 PAL BFI release
> of Charge of the Light
> Brigade has a 15 minute interview with Richard
> Williams.

Can we get this?
Well, whaddayaknow? I could have sworn the sound was different. You're right about imagination, of course. Expectation can influence perception.
This is an apology as DVD mailings are very much late this month.

At the beginning of the month I fulfilled a large rush order for Douglas Kirk's classes, giving him stacks of the things, and I ran out of Thief discs that needed to be mailed out - I was also broke and out of DVDs.

So I ordered some blank DVDs nearly three weeks ago so I could make more Thief DVDs, but Fedex only tried to deliver them ONCE, and they were returned to the sender. So I never got them. Grrr. I'm out of Thief DVDs. And rent is due, and I am broke.

Oh well.

Sorry for the lateness folks. No fault of my own here. I'll be on it like a comet the second these long-delayed blank discs arrive.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck, ocp. I wish I could cheer you up by sending you the poster scan, but I'm afraid it isn't done yet. I have left it with my friend, who said he'll try to do it within a week. He's quite busy, it seems...!

I've watched "I Drew Roger Rabbit" twice this week. Every time they show Richard in the vault with The Thief, the hairs stand up on my skin. He was (and still is) such a respected and admired figure in the industry. I know business is business, but how could they? How could they take his masterpiece from him and carve it up like that? It's a tragedy. A great, great tragedy.

In my dreams, he's secretly finishing it and plans to release it next year using his own money...

Oh by the way, I LOVE "Seaside Woman". It's absolutely delightful - never seen it before!
Yeah, I feel bad about your circumstance, OCP. Wish I could help!

I was browsing Google Image Search for "Art Babbit" and this came up: http://www.tonywhite.net/art.htm

Stange, but it shows Art's self portrait as Tack. Maybe you've seen it before.
I'm frantically trying to find information to back this up, but someone mentioned on the Home Theater Forum that a collector's edition is coming on November 21st from The Weinstein Company. Don't get your hopes up because I'm betting it's either a price reduction on the current crappy DVD (this disc will be MSRP $19.96) or just as worse, just a new remaster of the Miramax cut.
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
Hey there, it's me again... on pg.56 of this thread (about 1.5 months ago) I asked how to get Thief onto DVD because Nero was giving me errors - someone suggested using DVDShrink so I tried that, and indeed it seems that the DVD could only fit 99.7% of the file, which was just a bit too big. So, no problem - I used DVDShrink to reduce the quality on one of the trailers to 95%, which should've made everything fit onto the DVD in theory. So I tried burning the DVD, and at the very last second (RIGHT before it finishes), it gives me some kind of error and closes down.

So I take the DVD out, and put it into the DVD drive again to see if maybe it actually WAS copied over, to see if the computer can read it. Suddenly, my computer crashes - total black screen, and I try to restart it and no windows safe mode works. The BIOS doesn't recognise the harddrive.

It took some difficult recovery efforts, but I got most of my files from my old harddrive back (I'm using a new computer now). So I'm wondering if what happened to me has happened to anyone else, and what could have caused it. Was it cause for suspicion that the Thief file was just a little too big for the DVD - could there have been a virus embedded into it somehow? Is it possible to do this with torrents, that someone along the line could change the file? Or perhaps it was related to me putting in that DVD somehow, or downloading a bad copy of DVDShrink. I don't know.

Basically, I'd like to know if anyone has any idea what could've happened, and if you've heard of anything like this before.

Aside from that, I'm really excited at the progress that's been made since I left... I've been following this project closely for a while now, and have been involved over on wikipedia a bit (though it seems that there's someone there who is opposed to making any specific mention of this restoration). However, I think that next time I will order a DVD directly from Garret Gilchrist instead of trying to download the thing... less risky - I'm not very keen on having a repeat of what happened.
For the latest "Thief and the Cobbler" news, go HERE (and go to the last page)
By the way, once we have a good scan of that new Thief and the Cobbler poster it might be a good idea to use a lower-resolution version of that image instead of the horrid Miramax DVD cover that currently illustrates the wikipedia article: here
For the latest "Thief and the Cobbler" news, go HERE (and go to the last page)
I'm sorry about your problems Esn but they have nothing to do with my DVD or the torrent. There is only one Thief and the Cobbler torrent and it's been downloaded by thousands of people. There's no virus in it. No one has helped with your problem because you seem to be the only person who's experienced it, so I don't know what to say there.

I don't know about a rerelease from the Weinstein Company, but it could always be a widescreen version of the Miramax cut which would be nice to have in R1. Who knows .... I'll get better information on this if nothing else turns up.

Hey, I certainly wasn't blaming you - I'm fully aware of the fact that many other people downloaded it and had nothing go wrong. But I wasn't sure how torrents work (that was my first time using one), so I thought that it could be possible that someone along the line had inserted something nasty into the file that wasn't originally there.

Anyway... is there an article/interview anywhere where Don Hahn specifically states that he has plans to work on the Thief? Might be a good thing to add to the wiki article...
For the latest "Thief and the Cobbler" news, go HERE (and go to the last page)