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Post #232886

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Extracting cutscenes and gameplay action from PC game.
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Date created
6-Aug-2006, 8:03 PM
Thanks, klokwerk, for the info and link. I had downloaded the Journal of the 51st already (that was my inspiration for doing the this to DF II - JK) and I've seen the Bounty Hunter disc but I had no idea about Kaal-Jhyy's project. It seems very impressive indeed. Too bad there are no seeders left on the torrent.

And DarthBalls1138, thanks for the tip. I remember now having heard of Camtasia sometime ago. Do you know if it compresses the video it records or not?

I still would like to do this thing, since my initial idea was to make a movie out of the cutscenes, gameplay and additional sound elements, rather than just edit the cutscenes together. I'll look into Camtasia for sure, but if anyone else knows of a better way to capture gameplay into video files, please share it. Also, is there possibly a way to get the cutscenes extracted from the game somehow, like getting the source video files instead of capturing them from playing the game?