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Original Trilogy DVD Article in Total Film

The UK film magazine 'Total Film' is carrying an article in the September issue about the OUT DVD's.

The eight page spread is mostly made up of photographs (a couple of which I'd not seen in print before) and...

oh the horror....

Another Rick McCallum interview!!

It's the usual stuff from McCallum. He goes to great lengths to defend Lucas's decisions by lambasting any fan that questions them. Poor helpless, cerebrally challenged people that we are. In reference to the Han/Greedo scene McCallum drops a absolute humdinger:

"It's funny when people obsess over things like that - it' unbelievable. The person they adore and worship, who made the original film in the first place, says "This is the way it was meant to be..." And then they can't cope with it. The fans are strange, but in a delightfully damaged way."

Is Ricky-baby trying to tell me that in the 1970s, that the technology didn't exist to shoot and edit a scene where Harrison Ford uses a prop gun to shoot a guy/woman in an alien suit before the alien can shoot him? Nonsensical.

Furthermore, the average fan surely can't be much less obsessed than a man who mulled over his choices for 20 years before deciding to change them. Another groundless comment from Ricky-poos.

On a side note - a small text caption over a photo of the Death Star being built states that the builders of the space station will be revealed in the TV series. Perhaps Dante and Randal can finally settle their argument.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

Did 'Total Film' express any opinions on the whole 'OOT' thang?
Don't you call me a mindless philosopher...!
No, unfortunately not. It was just a big advert really. Press release type stuff. They seemed pleased that the OT was going to be available, but didn't air any concerns. They may be a little annoyed when it's released though. I know they hate 'lazy releases'. I remember the Goodfellas non anamorphic flipper being loathed. Lets wait and see.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

Originally posted by: Jambe Davdar
On a side note - a small text caption over a photo of the Death Star being built states that the builders of the space station will be revealed in the TV series. Perhaps Dante and Randal can finally settle their argument.

Oh great. So the TV show is going to be another Shadows of the Empire. If there's one thing I hated about that book, it was all the stupid fan boy questions that were answered (like visible lasers). Even answering the question of "can a lightsaber cut through a magnetically shielded door" should have been left alone, but that one didn't bother me nearly as much as "It wasn't the actual shot, just the pointing beam that comes before the shot". Ugh, stupid!
F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
Wow, how far removed he is. Because I can speak volumes of how much I "worship and adore" George in my "delightfully damaged way." Even from George himself, I've never heard such arrogance. I doubt even he would think that people "worship and adore" him.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

person they adore and worship, who made the original film in the first place, says "This is the way it was meant to be..." And then they can't cope with it.

Well I am coping just fine. I guess things must seem very different being on the other end of the fandom.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

Gary Kurtz said that the Han/Greedo scene could have been filmed that way 1977, but George wanted it shot the way the script had it. That is George's own fault.

F**K Rick 'kiss-ass' McCallum! I HATE him!

How disrespectful and condescending can you be? Asshole.

(sorry...LOL! I had to vent! )

I'd be willing to accept the theory that somehow in the mad rush to finish the film, George didn't get the shot he wanted. As I've said elsewhere, if the scene was really bugging George that much, he passed up several opportunities to reshoot. The best time to have reshot it was during production on the Holiday Special, second and third windows would have been during the sequel shoots. If there was time and money to shoot a new crawl for the 1981 rerelease , there should have been time to do the other "fixes" he wanted.
Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?

Rick McCallum seems to be having trouble separating his own feelings for George from other people's.
Not being able to get the "Greedo shoot first" shot they wanted, back in '77, is a very lame excuse. I'm pretty sure that this scene was altered only to advertise, to the rest of the industry, the digital trickery mastered by ILM: look, we're now able to alter actors performance years later!
Well what do you expect from the producer? Its his job to defend the SE and Lucas' decision, and I'm sure that our "whining" (as some have put it) have caused a few headaches around Lucasfilm. McCallum seems genuinely pissed off here. Whatever. Fuck him too.
Am I the only one who finds Rick McCallum significantly more annoying than Geoge Lucas?
George Lucas was seduced by the dark side. The OOT ceased to exist in his mind and became the Special Editions...." "They're more maching now than movies. Twisted and evil."
"The fans are strange, but in a delightfully damaged way."

Okay Ricky......but this fan will continue to be delightfully damaged by not spending ONE FUCKING CENT ON ANY STAR WARS PRODUCT WHATSOVER!!!

Hopefully that will eventually damage both your wallet and your asshole boss's as well.....in a delightful way, of course.


That comment is totally rubbing our faces in shit, people. I'm not buying anything in September. Star Wars lives for me....on bootlegs only. Fuck giving these ungrateful, insulting bastards any money. They fuck with film history and then wonder why we act upset when we don't go along with it. I got one thing to say about this:


And there you have it. That's what they think of us all.

What the hell would he care, anyway? No one had ever even heard of that pompous ass before the SE's in 1997.

Have you ever heard of someone so arrogant as to think they are above criticism? The SE's and Prequels are done - why does this mouthbreather still have a job at LFL?

I'm deeply offended - I think I might actually write a letter to this dickhead, asking me for all of my money back that I've spent on Star Wars crap since 1997. Seriously. If this is his way of saying thanks to us for making him rich? God.

If you're sitting knee deep in coke and hookers reading this right now McCallum, you'll be hearing from me.

C U Next Tuesday.

EDIT - Who says anyone ever worshipped GL? We like his movies, for God's sake...it's not like we all sucked his dick to get a job at LFL? Anyone know anyone who did that? Eh, Ricky boy you fat bitch?
Originally posted by: Jambe Davdar
In reference to the Han/Greedo scene McCallum drops a absolute humdinger:

"It's funny when people obsess over things like that - it' unbelievable. The person they adore and worship, who made the original film in the first place, says "This is the way it was meant to be..." And then they can't cope with it. The fans are strange, but in a delightfully damaged way."

Hah, what an ass!

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
And there you have it. That's what they think of us all.

What the hell would he care, anyway? No one had ever even heard of that pompous ass before the SE's in 1997.

Have you ever heard of someone so arrogant as to think they are above criticism? The SE's and Prequels are done - why does this mouthbreather still have a job at LFL?

I'm deeply offended - I think I might actually write a letter to this dickhead, asking me for all of my money back that I've spent on Star Wars crap since 1997. Seriously. If this is his way of saying thanks to us for making him rich? God.

If you're sitting knee deep in coke and hookers reading this right now McCallum, you'll be hearing from me.

C U Next Tuesday.

EDIT - Who says anyone ever worshipped GL? We like his movies, for God's sake...it's not like we all sucked his dick to get a job at LFL? Anyone know anyone who did that? Eh, Ricky boy you fat bitch?

Hey, if you have any contact information for Rick McCockum (sorry, I couldn't resist giving him a juvenile nickname, which is something I've never even done for George), then, please feel free to make it public here. I have more than a few things I want to say to that drone too!

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Originally posted by: JennyS1138
Am I the only one who finds Rick McCallum significantly more annoying than Geoge Lucas?

I actually agree with you about that- even though GL is the one responsible for this whole mess, I find Rick McCallum to be even more irritating. I don't know why, maybe it's because I once had some respect for GL, while RM I pretty much detested from the start because of his involvement with the SEs, I can't even stand the way the man speaks. Where's that email address....? (LOL!)

"It's funny when people obsess over things like that - it' unbelievable. The person they adore and worship, who made the original film in the first place, says "This is the way it was meant to be..." And then they can't cope with it. The fans are strange, but in a delightfully damaged way."

I don't adore and worship him, Rick. I really don't care what was meant to be. I want a high quality version of the originals of my own. After that, Lucas can mess with the films "he made" (I'm sure that Irvin Kershner, Gary Kurtz, Lawrence Kasdan, Richard Marquand, and the millions of craftsman and technicians who worked their tails off to get the original versions made would apprecate that) all he wants to. You seem to have trouble grasping this concept Rick--we really don't care, good, bad, or indifferent about the SEs. We just want to watch copies of the originals that meet industry standards. Why is it that whenever OOT fans express a desire for the original version, we are attacking Lucas's vision? That's like saying that a critic who pans Brokemback Mountain is homophobic. Perhaps he simply didn't like the film? Perhaps we simply don't like the SEs, but have nothing against the man? Just release versions of the originals that don't suck and we will shut up. Otherwise, we will continue this fight. You can't win Rick. You can't. And sooner or later, you will give in. Its really not unbeiveable. Ah, well. At least they're advertising the OOT. Please God, let it sell well.

Am I the only one who finds Rick McCallum significantly more annoying than Geoge Lucas?

After Lucas passes away, I worry that Rick might still attempt to surpress the OOT. Of course, I also believe that the OOT will come out before Lucas dies anyway, and so the point will be moot. Really, George, Rick, I wish you guys long, happy, healthy lives. I really do. But release the versions of the movies that I want.

Rick McCockum

That was a little immature.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
And there you have it. That's what they think of us all.

What the hell would he care, anyway? No one had ever even heard of that pompous ass before the SE's in 1997.

Have you ever heard of someone so arrogant as to think they are above criticism? The SE's and Prequels are done - why does this mouthbreather still have a job at LFL?

McCallum is in his fifties, is he not? I wonder why Lucas did not hire him earlier, like for ROTJ. HE clearly exists as producer so that Lucas can do what he wants. And the SEs are not done. There will be more changes next year. And probably after that, if the mood strikes Lucas. I wonder if McCallum will be involved in the T.V. series. What is his official job, anyway?

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

This one might be worth a shot:


Lets not insult the man, but with him being one of the higher ups, lets see if we can get his attention.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

Originally posted by: Mike O
Lets not insult the man, but with him being one of the higher ups, lets see if we can get his attention.

Turnabout is fair play, I say. The guy owes his career and fortune to Star Wars, which, let's be honest here - is only profitable because of a fanbase like us.

To insult said fanbase is calous, ignorant, and indicative of one thing - McCallum doesn't care about us, or Star Wars, just making money off of it.