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.: The XØ Project - Laserdisc on Steroids :. (SEE FIRST POST FOR UPDATES) (* unfinished project *) — Page 29

Originally posted by: Sluggo
Just take the time and do it right.

any thought contradicting this credo re: X0 is a path to the dark side.

just...ahem...(bites fingernails) get it out there before that non-anamorphic thing enters the base

I'm just curious. Did you say you had videos you wanted to upload or that you hadn't made any new videos yet. I know video is still very taxing for a computer but what about screen captures. That's what I'd be most interested in seeing, fixed or untouched. Those examples of the timecoded print looked great and I can't wait to see more.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77


Yes more media content is coming, but I just moved and I haven't gotten a chance to recalibrate my monitor yet. That may not sound like a big deal, but I need to make sure that whatever I'm color correcting looks exactly the way I want it to before I call it done, and I can't do that unless my monitor's levels are accurate. As soon as I get that done, I can put up some comparison shots of the raw capture and finished version, as well as some more video.

My Projects:
[Holiday Special Hybrid DVD v2]
[X0 Project]
[Backstroke of the West DVD]
[ROTS Theatrical DVD]

I saw a short clip (i.e, the Greedo Scene) that was supposedly lifted from the Sept. 06 DVD's at Comic Con during Steve Sansweet's meeting thingy. It looked good...then again, I still wont hold my breath. I want to see the whole thing with my own eyes. Not some special clip that they had prepared to show to a large audience of an unreleased product.

Since I know I am going to be dissapointed...I just wanted to say that now, more than ever, I am more eager for the XØ Project. Something by fans ...for fans.
Could you tell us whether you thought it looked better than laserdisc or (God forbid) vhs?
Good point about calibration. Makes me wonder if the person color correcting the 2004 dvd's had too much red in their overbrightened monitor. "Wow, sure had to add a lot of blue just to make the stormtroopers look white.
Another thought.
"Lucas cut apart the original negative to make the special edition." I thought Lucas was a longtime big supporter of digital editing and tried to get Spielberg to edit Last Crusade on a computer.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77



Will the X0 Project require Dual Layer DVD-R media?
Originally posted by: Knightmessenger
Could you tell us whether you thought it looked better than laserdisc or (God forbid) vhs?
Good point about calibration. Makes me wonder if the person color correcting the 2004 dvd's had too much red in their overbrightened monitor. "Wow, sure had to add a lot of blue just to make the stormtroopers look white.
Another thought.
"Lucas cut apart the original negative to make the special edition." I thought Lucas was a longtime big supporter of digital editing and tried to get Spielberg to edit Last Crusade on a computer.

Here is a couple of quotes from links provided by The Digital Bits. The first comes from Scott Swan at


Then Steve Sansweet took the stage. I’ve liked Steve’s genuine affection for this property in the past. He’s a true friend to Star Wars, or at least has been in the past. But when he took the stage, I sensed something funky from the get-go. He launched into what I could only call a tirade about how if you complain about these new DVDs there’s something wrong with you (I’m paraphrasing, of course). He said that “the little black bars” won’t detract from our enjoyment. This part lost me. There would be black bars at the top and bottom of the screen anamorphic or not. I couldn't tell if he actually believed what he was saying, or if Lucasfilm had shoved an explosive device up his rectum and tossed him out onto stage to feed us what he damn well knows is a bunch of hooey. The second scenario is probably more likely.

It all seemed like misdirection, the same way Lucasfilm is fixating on Han shooting first (there are far worse offenses in the Special Editions). So of course, that was exactly the clip he showed next. And it looked pretty much exactly as you'd expect: An old transfer of a movie made for laserdisc, zoomed to fit a 16x9 screen. And he even acknowledged these masters were made specifically for laserdisc. I'm sorry, but the minute you say the L word, you just lost my dollar. They did a cheesy fake-out first with the Han/Greedo scene by showing really horrible looking video. Maybe this was to joke with the audience, as Sansweet suggested, or maybe there was a more sinister intent. Perhaps this was shown to make the real DVD clip they played right after look much better by comparison. Bottom line, though, none of it looked that great. It looked okay at best. But it's nowhere near the second coming they want us to think it is.

The next comes from Quint from Ain't It Cool News.

They showed some examples straight from the DVD and the film looks exactly like those bootlegs out there of the laserdiscs. A little washed out, pixelated and strobey. Goddamnit, is it too much to ask for the originals restored properly?

Looks like I will have to pass on the '06 DVD's. I bet he will remaster the Originals at some point because he always does the opposite of what he says. If not, oh well, I've went this long without them.

"When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk." - Tuco from The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
What about a dual-layer SUPERBIT version?

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

What about a dual-layer SUPERBIT version?

No I think he means: Will it be an overpriced recycled transfer marketed for know-nothing idiots?

Dr. M

Originally posted by: Zion
lol, Superbit. If by that you mean the hightest audio and video quality possible, then you should realize that that is already implied in our release.

Yes, that's what I meant. I knew that your answer would teach and not belittle like some choose to do....thank you Zion.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Did you guys ever decide on a mix? And on PCM or not PCM?

I've been a longtime follower of this preservation board (and the various projects) for about two years but just registered to ask the X0 folks something that I have searched for but don't believe has been answered quite yet. First of all, I own a copy of the Dr. Gonzo set and on that version there is an impressive CGI remake of the trench scene from ANH that pans out into the THX logo (with the trademark "THX sound"), which then explodes. I presume this intro was originally found on the DC laserdisc set, correct me if I'm wrong please... my question is was this intro captured along with ANH and will it also be included on the X0 release?

PCM will probably be the main audio. We're still throwing around ideas though. mono mix, isolated score, alternate languages, etc.

I have no doubt that the X0 Project will be the best preservation of the OT video as found on the LD's. My only real concern regarding the project is the preservation/restoration of its audio... has there been much discussion yet about what will be done about the audio tracks, specifically the 5.1 mix? In my opinion the Dolby 5.1 surround PCM found on the DC is somewhat weak compared to what is found on modern DVD's, for example. Now I don't pretend to be a sound expert but do you know at this point if there will be much effort to "restore" the audio mixes to balance the excellent visual restoration efforts?
Welcome to the forums
Originally posted by: blitter
My only real concern regarding the project is the preservation/restoration of its audio... has there been much discussion yet about what will be done about the audio tracks, specifically the 5.1 mix? In my opinion the Dolby 5.1 surround PCM found on the DC is somewhat weak...
There was a mono soundtrack - the one that was considered the most complete soundtrack from what I hear, a stereo sound track and a "6 channel" surround sound track that was basically 4.2 as compared to 5.1, except the 4th track was not unique like the other 3, so really it was left, centre, right, surround (which was a combination of the other 3) and 2 low-frequency channels. When shown in theatres in 1977 SW did not have surround sound equal to 5.1, it wouldn't even be equal to decent 4.1 tracks - and that's the 6-channel soundmix, the other two - well one was mono and the other was simply stereo. Most people would have seen (or rather heard) the stereo or mono version in cinemas.

My feeling is if you expect to get a full 5.1 mix out of star wars, you should buy the special edition dvd, a 5.1 mix is one of the things they changed and prepared for the special edition.
Some were not blessed with brains.
<blockquote>Originally posted by: BadAssKeith

You are passing up on a great opportunity to makes lots of money,
make Lucas lose a lot of his money
and make him look bad to the entire world
and you could be well known and liked

None of us here like Lucas or Lucasfilm.
I have death wishes on Lucas and Macullum.
we could all probably get 10s of thousands of dollars!
There is no 5.1 channel audio on any of the pre-SE releases. This project aims to be an accurate preservation of the pre-SE laserdiscs. So the main audio we want to feature would be the PCM stereo track from the DC. Personally, I'd like to have the mono track as an option as well just for comparison's sake. But the PCM stereo track, being uncompressed, would be the highest quality audio we could use.

The THX trailer you mention was not on the DC laserdiscs, or any other laserdisc release for that matter. My guess is that it was a fan created work, but I could be wrong. It's way too long anyway in my opinion, and it will not be on our DVD.

My Projects:
[Holiday Special Hybrid DVD v2]
[X0 Project]
[Backstroke of the West DVD]
[ROTS Theatrical DVD]

Originally posted by: blitter
First of all, I own a copy of the Dr. Gonzo set and on that version there is an impressive CGI remake of the trench scene from ANH that pans out into the THX logo (with the trademark "THX sound"), which then explodes.

This THX trailer is a fan film. More info on this page.
Originally posted by: Zion
But the PCM stereo track, being uncompressed, would be the highest quality audio we could use.
That was a dolby prologic track wasn't it? would it still be picked up by modern players and "decoded" into 5.1 system (I know it would have been meant for less speakers)?
Some were not blessed with brains.
<blockquote>Originally posted by: BadAssKeith

You are passing up on a great opportunity to makes lots of money,
make Lucas lose a lot of his money
and make him look bad to the entire world
and you could be well known and liked

None of us here like Lucas or Lucasfilm.
I have death wishes on Lucas and Macullum.
we could all probably get 10s of thousands of dollars!
Apologies in advance to Zion, MeBeJedi et al...
Originally posted by: boris
the 4th track was not unique like the other 3, so really it was left, centre, right, surround (which was a combination of the other 3) ???
Originally posted by: boris
When shown in theatres in 1977 SW did not have surround sound equal to 5.1, it wouldn't even be equal to decent 4.1 tracks ???Originally posted by: boris
- and that's the 6-channel soundmix, the other two - well one was mono and the other was simply stereo.
???Originally posted by: boris
My feeling is if you expect to get a full 5.1 mix out of star wars, you should buy the special edition dvd, a 5.1 mix is one of the things they changed and prepared for the special edition.
My feeling is you should not buy the Special Edition DVD under any circumstances (except as a way to get the OUT discs between Sept & Dec 2006).

blitter, welcome; there are several decent audio threads under this topic if you're interested.

Zion, have you considered the '85 mix, which is also available in PCM, IIRC?
I don't mean to try to teach anyone to suck eggs or anything (and I'm not trying to call you my grandmother either ) but just in case GL's idea with this Sep release is to clamp down on bootlegs, he may try to shut this project down. If he does, I hope you have sufficient backups offsite so that any "seizure" in any event would not provide an opportunity for all your hard work to be destroyed.

I don't know if this is even possible, but if GL wanted to, surely he could arrange for some kind of seizure of stuff pending an investigation, and things might mysteriously disappear in the process, even if you guys were found to be acting quite within your rights.

I really am cynical aren't I?