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Post #226833

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STAR WARS: The Torrents thread
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Date created
17-Jul-2006, 12:16 PM
You can't always share torrent files, at some point you have to remove them from your list and empty your hardrive. What would be a good "share dnload/upload ratio" ... 1/5? 1/10? I usually never close a torrent until I get to the 1/1 ratio beside software I need quick or divx. If I really believe in what I'm dnloading (like for those Star Wars dvds) I go for 1/5 or something if not much people are dnloading, I share over 1 to 2 weeks after I have completed the file. I'm using Azurus and after a while my computer become so slow that I have to reboot. And I hate to reboot my computer. If it wasnt the case I would be very please to share forever.