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The "ADigitalMan Special Editions" DVD Info and Feedback Thread (Released) — Page 26

Originally posted by: wmgan
Thanks to bwlag, I now have the DL versions of all 7 ADM Star Wars edits (ROTJ is version 2.0). In the spirit of PIF, let me know if anyone wants a copy of any of these edits.
I've also sent you a PM.

wmgan, where did you go? LOL Help.....you were so generous to offer then poof.....

I hope everything is ok with you....just two days ago my wife narrowly missed a car accident on a local freeway.....scared her silly....

So I just hope nothing bad has happpened.....

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Hey vbangle, I'm okay, LOL . . . didn't mean to go "poof" . . . just been busy, that's all . . . I was going to reply each PM individually (and wow, what an overwhelming response!) when I had more time. I didn't think there was a hurry to get them . . .

But since you asked, I'll just post a general reply here for the time being.

As a rule, I don't charge for my own edits, much less anyone else's edits, but I can't afford to send out so many DL discs to so many people at my own expense, so I hope you all won't mind reimbursing me for the cost of the discs after I've sent them out. (Unless you prefer to send me blanks, but that would just be a needless waste of postage.)

I'm also going to have to get new blanks, and then burn them, all of which will take time, so please be patient.

I'm currently using Fujifilm DVD+R DL discs (I've got about 20 more of them), and a spindle of 25 Matrix DVD+R DL discs are on the way. I'll test the Matrix discs and if they work fine I'll get more. Let me know if you have any problem with those brands.

Thanks wmgan, I am glad you're ok.

I sent you another PM.

Could you do me a favor? I use Nero for my burns and have made a habit of checking the box titled "verify writen data"....it compares checksum of the data on disk with the original file....could you please do something similar? I don't know what software you'll be using but if you could please check the disks after burning to make sure there are no drop out or massive errors that would be wonderful......I know this all goes without saying, but I thought to mention it anyway just in case.....

Thanks so much for your time and effort in doing this....you've made a SW fan very happy....

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

I use Nero too. I haven't done that in the past, but it's an excellent habit and I'll start doing that. I've had experiences with burns that seemed perfect but later on gave CRC errors, so data verification is probably a really really good idea.
I've been following this thread for a little while now and I finally decided to join. I was looking to do the same thing as ADigitalMan but he beat me to it long ago! From the sound of the changes, he did a better job, too I am interested in seeing his set so how would I go about doing that?

Thanks to all the hard work put in by everyone!
Originally posted by: wmgan
I use Nero too. I haven't done that in the past, but it's an excellent habit and I'll start doing that. I've had experiences with burns that seemed perfect but later on gave CRC errors, so data verification is probably a really really good idea.

wmgan, how are you doing? Everything O.K.? lol Please see my P.M. to you....

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Patience is a virtue, vbangle.

I've been burning the discs for the people who only requested one or two discs (I'm still waiting for some addresses -- you know who you are -- please PM me your address if you want the discs!).

The 25-message limit makes replying to PMs really difficult, because I constantly have to decide which messages to delete before I'm able to send new ones. If you want to get in touch with me in a hurry, e-mail me at ganwuiming@gmail.com (I won't guarantee instant replies, but at least it makes replying much easier).

I changed my mind about asking for payment. I know DL discs are really expensive, but it just feels really dishonest to charge for someone else's hard work, especially on something none of us even owns the copyright for. So - I'm not going to ASK for anything in return. If, out of the goodness of your heart, you'd like to offer me some reimbursement anyway, I'll accept it with gratitude. Better still, if you have any fan edits/OT preservations you'd like to offer me in return, PM (or preferably e-mail) me a list. Or if in the future you make or obtain anything you'd like to share with me, do drop me a note. And share whatever you receive with others. This community is all about sharing, anyway.
Originally posted by: wmgan
Patience is a virtue, vbangle.

I've been burning the discs for the people who only requested one or two discs (I'm still waiting for some addresses -- you know who you are -- please PM me your address if you want the discs!).

The 25-message limit makes replying to PMs really difficult, because I constantly have to decide which messages to delete before I'm able to send new ones. If you want to get in touch with me in a hurry, e-mail me at ganwuiming@gmail.com (I won't guarantee instant replies, but at least it makes replying much easier).

I changed my mind about asking for payment. I know DL discs are really expensive, but it just feels really dishonest to charge for someone else's hard work, especially on something none of us even owns the copyright for. So - I'm not going to ASK for anything in return. If, out of the goodness of your heart, you'd like to offer me some reimbursement anyway, I'll accept it with gratitude. Better still, if you have any fan edits/OT preservations you'd like to offer me in return, PM (or preferably e-mail) me a list. Or if in the future you make or obtain anything you'd like to share with me, do drop me a note. And share whatever you receive with others. This community is all about sharing, anyway.

LOL please don't take my post or PM as being impatient....I just wanted to make sure everything was good....And as far as the "payment" is concerned I understand where you are coming from, however it would NOT be right of me to make you eat the cost of the disks and postage.....so you'll just have to take it and like it.... You are very kind to put yourself out like this.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

I just found out about these edits today from the SW Wikipedia site (for various reasons, I just started getting back into Star Wars). Anyway, I was really excited to hear about the edits, and even more excited after hearing all the great reviews (how they managed that, with the material they had, I can't even comprehend). But, I haven't been able to find episodes two or three on any torrent site. Any chance I could get someone to make a copy for me? Or possibly point me in the direction of another torrent site?

If something's changed in the last twenty pages, sorry. I got excited and skipped it.
I recently watched the ADM fan fedit of EP3...good stuff. I really enjoyed seeing the added scenes and the changes to the battle droids' voices. I wasn't too keen on the Liam Neeson additions though. It was just too confusing I thought. I'd love to have had the R2 slamming back, as well as the cheesy "yes", Anakin and Padme's scene and Palpatine's too weak to fight. All the other stuff...very nice. I just can't see why they had to make the battle droids so cheesy.

One thing I dont think I've heard anyone mention is how cheesy the line is when Obi-Wan says.."we're smarter than this"...I mean come on..He's a Jedi for crying out loud. With the force he should have know better. To me there he's just acting like a complete moron. I'd cut that out in a heartbeat.

First off, wmgan, I sent you a couple PMs. Let me know if you need me to resend them (I'm sure you're a pretty popular guy about now!).

Second, I have been meaning to put in my 2 cents about ADM's prequel edits. I was given the SL versions of Vergence in the Force, Path to the Dark Side, Clone Wars, and Revenge of the Sith by Miasta a month or two ago. I must say, I really enjoyed them! You did some great work.

I don't have a lot of time to comment, but the cuts in Vergence in the Force were very good--the arrival at Otoh Gunga flowed very nicely, and the flag parade and Anakin's destruction of the battleship were much better without the poop jokes and accidental exclamations.

Path to the Darkside was also very good. The love story was very smooth here, and it was just overall very enjoyable. It was also a good move to cut the stuff about the decoy saying she failed and everything.

I hadn't seen the Clone Wars cartoon in its episodic form, but you did a good job of cutting everything together. It flowed very naturally.

Revenge of the Sith was AWESOME! The reinserted cut scenes REALLY helped, setting up the Rebellion, and explaining why Bail is so prominent in the last half of the movie. Before I felt like I was missing something when Bail arrived at the temple--what was he doing there? But now it makes much more sense. I actually liked the Qui-Gon stuff a lot! I got chills when Yoda arrived on Dagobah. The only thing I could see is maybe making Qui-Gon's voice a little quieter--he seemed a bit on the loud side.

There wasn't much that I saw negative. There were a few times when the whole screen went white (cutting to the morning of the race in VOTF, the transition to Anakin's nightmare), but could that be because it's single layer, or could it be my copy? At one point I skipped straight to Anakin's nightmare, and it didn't do that. It was weird. And the musical transition to the first cut scene on Naboo seemed just slightly off. If you add a little reverb to the first cue as it's fading out, then it should sound better. And I liked the home scene on Coruscant before the nightmare, but that's just me.

Overall, great work! I look forward to seeing your work on the OT.
Two-Face - A Batman:The Animated Series Movie
Hmm...while the majority of additions I do like, I have to say now that after watching the entire re-edit, and the rescored podrace about three times, the music cues get a little grating. (If I hear that trumpet fanfare one more time...) I think John Williams' job is quite safe.

Removing most of Jar-jar's antics does help, but basically this version flounders due to overstepping the bounds with the score. Oh well.

"Charlie don't surf!" -- Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore

Can someone please post the DVD covers for these, or email them to me at dannochance@yahoo.co.uk

Many Thanks,

I don't know if there are other covers for this set, but I found the lovely ones by Boba Feta at http://bobafeta.kol.co.nz/ .

My only gripe with them is they're not clearly labelled "ADM Special Edition" or something to that effect on either the front or spine -- you wouldn't know that they were fan edits until you flip them to the back.
I think Feta put the ADM Mastered logo on the front where the THX mastered would go. It's a subtle identifier.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I don't think Feta's website has his very useful cover/insert/label package for the Darth Editous Hybrid, but there's a link to it in that edition's thread.
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
I think Feta put the ADM Mastered logo on the front where the THX mastered would go. It's a subtle identifier.

Actually, it's on the back. =)

Just my two cents about the new ROTJ ending -- personally I don't think the "montage" sequence fits in quite so well at the end of the sexlogy (?), but taken on its own it's quite a masterpiece. Seeing Anakin's transformation from innocent kid to Jedi to Sith Lord to sacrificial father, summed up concisely with such masterful editing to such rousing music, is just overwhelming.
I am looking for the ADM edits of ep 4-6, the most current versions released (with ROTJ Anakin montage). If i could trade edits or film scores for those three titles, please PM me. Thanks so much!!!
Stopped they must be, on this all depends. Only a fully trained Jedi Knight with the Force as his ally will conquer Vader and his Emperor.
Originally posted by: heroesfate
I am looking for the ADM edits of ep 4-6, the most current versions released (with ROTJ Anakin montage). If i could trade edits or film scores for those three titles, please PM me. Thanks so much!!!

They're on the way. =) Sorry for the delay.
I'm giving out a full set of these discs on my summer photoshop contest thread. See here for the details.
Yeah I really should get round to updating my website. Here's the link for the Hybrid Edition if needed.

“I love Darth Editous and I’m not ashamed to admit it.” ~ADigitalMan

Where might one get these? Are they available as torrents?