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Post #215666

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Just Saw The Unaltered Trilogy For The First Time...
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Date created
2-Jun-2006, 3:51 PM
Ok...my Dr. M set arrived yesterday. I watched the original last night. I loved it. I knew about most of the changes (but it was still exciting to actually see Han shoot first), but one change that I didn't know about was the final battle at the end of the movie with the death star...I hadn't realized they replaced so much of that footage with new CGi stuff...I guess I had never looked at it that closely. All I can say is...I LOVED the 1977 version, with the retro-looking effects and models being moved around the screen. (And I loved seeing Darth Vader have a RED lightsaber again since he had a PINK one in the 2004 DVDs.)

Overall, it was worth it. Thanks Rikter! Can't wait to watch Empire and Jedi soon!