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Post #215118

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FAN EDIT REQUEST THREAD - Post your dream Fan Edits Here!
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Date created
31-May-2006, 4:34 PM
*I'm sure this sounds heretical, however, I want to see a revision of Alfred Hitchcock's Rope which leaves the murder ambiguous until the end. Not sure how to pull it off, haven't seen the film in about six months, but the original play from which the work was taken had the audience guessing until the end.

*More heresy, but I would also like to see a version of DePalma's Scarface with a traditional score rather than the electric boogaloo contained therein.

*How about a cut of The Mummy Returns that eliminates the majority of the cloying and retarded kid.

*While we're on the topic, can we get a edit on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom that cuts out most of short-round and Spielberg's mongoloid bitch of a wife?

*Also, an alternate version of The Frisco Kid would be nice. One that cuts down some of the weaker jokes and tightens the pacing.
