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Originally posted by: Ash595

You gotta love this Sales/Marketting propaganda. lol
I still cant get over "Leverage the power of the brand!"

This is like the "all your base are belong to us" of star wars.
Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
I admit the Return of the Jedi picture looks a bit empty. I could have sworn there was more to its poster inspiration than that!

I was going over the various star wars posters recently and, yes, the Jedi poster does seem more than a tad bit empty. I wish they had recreated the Gone with the Wind poster. I prefered the look of that one.
Not to put too fine a point on it, those covers suck, big time. They're almost as bad as the ultra suck-fest that was the '04 covers. Someone is being well paid to do that photoshopping, and then those covers are passing through many hands of people being paid for quality control and approval. It's incredible that no-one says "wait a minute - these look terrible". If you want good covers, you'll have to make your own or use some of the great ones here.

I've read a few conspiracy theories about Lucas's plans with this release, none of which I believe. Here's mine, which I think is plausible: LFL have been planning the OUT release since last year. The three disc set was originally going to be it, which is why it had the original poster art on it (and no bonus disc, as it would be supposed to be a companion to the '04 set). Then George said "hang on, that way they can get the OUT without my improved '04 editions - what if it outsells them?" So they postponed the OUT release and just put out the '04 discs again. Now they package them together, so it can be spun either way, regardless of sales.
Notice how the spines are gold, like the Prequels, instead of silver?

Star Wars looks okay, but these are such a hack job...I don't know, maybe I could get a job as a graphics designer at LFL because I can notice at least 5 things wrong with each cover from a design standpoint.

Star Wars
Tarkin is so damn blue that he blends in. (I know he was on the original poster, but not that bad)
The shot they chose for Leia is undynamic - it looks like she's posing with the blaster, not firing it.
Chewie has that "wait, where am I now?" look, which, I believe is a promo shot from Empire.
The Luke and Han shots aren't even from the film, take a look at their haircuts - this is small, but it bugs me.
WTF is that coming out of the end of Luke's blaster?
The big blue Photoshop glow...ugh. It's used to cover up bad work, like erase lines.

Vader looks like he's about to swat a Snow Speeder off of Han's shoulder
There's nothing interesting going on, on the cover.
The character shots they chose makes them all look bored. What are they all looking at?
Again, the purple flare around everyone is amateur.
If this was trying to re-create a poster, I don't know which one.
Although the Luke head shot is larger, the Han shot pops out more, leading the casual viewer to assume that this is Han's story, which it clearly is not.

Look at all that empty space.
Although it does try to re-create the poster, the Leia slave girl shot is sort of out of place.
The cover is unbalanced - if you draw a line diagonally from top right to bottom left, the upper left portion is sparse and doesn;t have anything visually to balance the "shot" out.
What's Wicket doing between Han's legs?

Anyway, I'm being nitpicky, but these covers are quick, amateurish, and trust me, the artisans here have done way better.


I am just glad Lucas is releaseing them. I don't care about the covers. Bonus disc don't care for. My only hope is that these classic look better than they ever have. I know there is going to be dirt & what- not, just aslong it is better than laserdisc and looks good on a widescreen tv.

This is just me but if Lucas had killed Han Solo off in ROTJ. It would have destroyed the whole saga for me. I would have never looked back. It would have been over in 1983 for me. So I can forgive lucas for alot.


looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Originally posted by: zombie84
I'm much more disturbed by the fact that the canadian version retails for $43. The conversion rate is practically equal--theres no way why it should be over forty bucks. This places the minimum retail price--which is closer to what stores will actually sell it for--at about $35, which is better but still far overpriced. I may be ordering mine from an american retailer.

We are totally getting screwed with the list price up here, considering our dollar is at $0.90 now, but I was just checking the Amazon.ca website and they have Episode III listed at the same SRP and selling for 32.99. And Future Shop is selling it for 35.99. But when Episode III first came out FS sold it for 19.99 on the first day. So I imagine they'll do the same with these and we can grab the trilogy for 60.00! Then they go out of those crummy Photoshop packages and into my own cases.
I haven't seen the three disc set in detail. Can anyone tell me if the individual covers are the same as/different to the '04 set and/or link to an image of the back cover of the box?

EDIT: Okay, I found one. But are the disc covers the same as the '04 ones?

somebody made this at the TF.N boards
These are some lazy ass photshop covers. Is there no quality control at LFL? Are their graphic designers totally incompetent amateurs? Looks like it to me. Back when the movies were released on VHS and Laserdisc we actually had some excellent cover artwork like the ultra cool "Faces" covers and the black/gold Definitive Edition Laserdisc covers and let's not forget the original poster artwork covers which are beautful works of art. It's a real shame no one at LFL realises that using those was an option, not those crummy overly colorful photoshop hack jobs. After all these original editions are aimed at a much higher age group than the 2004 editions (which are clearly aimed at young kids), so they should be more adult in style. I for one will be taking that "bonus disc" out of this package and making my own cover artwork. Lucas should have more respect for the movies that made him what he is and for us who watched his movies and made him all that fortune. God damn it he's so clueless! And he just has a bunch of these "yes people" around him who don't dare to say anything negative about his little project of ruining this movie phenomenon.

Looking at the comparisons, I guess these are the SE 'newly enhanced' posters. They accually fit well with the 'updated' '04 movies versions.
Just really really really bad. Whoever's idea this was should be ashamed of themselves. And whoever executed it should be more ashamed.
From the official site...

First Look: Original Trilogy DVDs
May 16, 2006

The Star Wars trilogy comes out for a limited time as individual movie DVDs on September 12th -- complete with the unaltered original films as bonus material -- and will be available for pre-order starting this week. This is a chance for longtime fans to re-experience the movies as they originally played during their first theatrical releases, and an opportunity for new fans to see a bit of movie history.
Each movie comes as a two-disc set -- one disc is the 2004 remastered version of the film, while the second disc is a version that captures its original theatrical presentation. For more information about this release, see the original announcement story here. StarWarsShop.com will be making Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi available for pre-order on Friday, May 12.

Here's a look at the cover art for this release. Done in the photo-montage style of previous DVD release, each movie mimics a poster design from the original theatrical campaign.

Here is what scares me...

while the second disc is a version that captures its original theatrical presentation.

What the hell does that mean? Captures?
I'm hoping this refers only to the fact that the soundtrack will probably feature the '85 mix (I hope) or '93 mix (more likely), rather than the theatrical mixes. Alternatively it could refer to a restored version (i.e. digital compositing ONLY) which would be okay with me. Anything else would be worrying. I have to admit I don't like the sound of "a version".
i think they just mean the theatrical versions are presented on the second disk (" 'presented'?? what does that mean??"). i dont think we should get too upset here.
Right. It could be just badly worded and aimed at SSE viewers who may not be aware of the OUT.
Originally posted by: THX
I haven't seen the three disc set in detail. Can anyone tell me if the individual covers are the same as/different to the '04 set and/or link to an image of the back cover of the box?

EDIT: Okay, I found one. But are the disc covers the same as the '04 ones?


Yep, the covers on each disc is exactly the same as the '04 ones... I was tricked into buying that set thinking it was the OUT... I was wrong.

-x- I aim to misbehave -x- www.gamerworld.se -x-

Thanks DB, I was thinking about getting this set just to use the box and covers for the OUT, but I won't bother now.
I will for sure use the 3-disc box for the OUT and give away the discs that was in it from the begining to my dad (he doesn't care if it isn't the OUT ). Or I will send them to Lucas together with the rest of the discs.

-x- I aim to misbehave -x- www.gamerworld.se -x-

I don't like the "updated" versions of the DVD cover art. Sure, I'm just bitching, but the photoshop job that they have for the cover art doesn't capture the true "classic" feel that their blueprints deliver. It feels....updated, loosing all of the original romantisism. (This is why I LOVE my Star Wars poster book. *hug*)

And you just gotta giggle at Luke's expression in the updated empire poster. He's looking as if he just saw his pet parakeet get blown up outside his window by an Ewok with an uzi.

But then again, that is just me.

And why is Chewbacca dry-humping C-3P0 in the ANH poster. It's almost as if the camera caught him in the middle of the act and now he doesn't know what the fuck.

Originally posted by: jack Spencer Jr
I wish they had recreated the Gone with the Wind poster. I prefered the look of that one.

Oh that is a fantastic poster. I have an original print framed in my room. It is across from my bed so it is the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning. Ahhhh....
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
They suck. We should send 'em back with the SSE discs.
I really don't mind these new covers, although I knew there was more to that ROTJ cover than that. That one seems really empty without Lando on it.

And, yeah, I wish they'd gone for the Gone with the Wind poster as well. I loved it so much that I bought a girl's t-shirt complete with babydoll sleeves just because it featured that poster on it (why they didn't release a male version of it, I don't know). I wear it... I just generally wear an unbuttoned button-up shirt over it to cover the sleeves.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Man, those are pretty bad. Luke's foot is chopped off in the SW poster and Han is getting a hand and a leg amputated in the Jedi one.

And just be glad Lando isn't in the Jedi poster. If he was, his face would be in Han's .. uh... personnel department.

Straight from Thedigitalbits.com:

[Editor's Note: We have since learned that these versions will NOT be anamorphic - just letterboxed. Plan your purchase or non-purchase accordingly.]

Lucas, you bastard!

I think the preservation forums have a lot of life left.