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Post #205895

Tequila Mockingbird
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Date created
3-May-2006, 6:56 PM
The current big problem I have in trying to help a few people out on these here boards with the amount of archive stuff I have simply hoarded over the years is this...

I'm an editor, mostly working out and about around town (London) and using other kit. In recent years, I stopped working for others and have been developing my own projects. For this I've been using an old PC workhorse running on (don't faint!) two Pentium IIIs. From what I've been told, my computer couldn't deal with a DVD writer being installed so I have not gone down that route (the software I use has to remain Win2000 compatible too, so that strikes out installing anything that can easily convert my Matrox files to MPEG2 (trying to do so takes A G E S and always crashes the system. Usually, if I need DVD stuff done, it goes on a laptop and taken across the road to someone who converts and burns the discs. But I can't ask them to work for nothing and conver the amount of material we're looking at doing here.

Second problem is that I am now directing my own show, which is picking up in June, and am involved in doing the EPK for another movie between now and then!

So time is an issue as well as my crap old system. I have a ton of stuff and really want to get it all to you, but how and when is an issue. I'm looking at getting a DVD Recorder, which would solve all probs, but can't justify that for now when I have so many other bills and expenses coming up.

Getting stuff onto DVCam is not a problem at all, but no-one seems able to play it!!