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Post #205175

Tequila Mockingbird
Parent topic
The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released)
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Date created
30-Apr-2006, 12:03 PM
What's the sitch with a hard drive or DVD recorder turning up at my place at Elstree?

Anyone in the UK able to do this? I can work on getting things ready to roll...

Quicktime can play the Matrox AVI format, so if you have FCP you can convert. Damn my old, old, PC for not being up to the job...

BTW, on the archive movies TV docs - great idea. There are some very good choices in there. The BBC did a GREAT doc on Citizen Kane which wasn't on the DVD...I'll have to covert that too (one day!)...

I also have another VHS of Metropolis that claims to run for 2hrs 20m...??? I suspect some slow frame rate shenanigans here!