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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released) — Page 34

Originally posted by: ocpmovie
Hi there Rob!

Justin's a good man ... an old and dear friend. =) I think he's reading this thread occasionally too.

Indeed, I've seen him pop up a couple of times. I consider myself quite lucky to have "met" him on livejournal, as we both share a passion for film scores

Originally posted by: ocpmovie
What we really need in the UK is someone with something like a Sony PD-150 camera, something that plays DVCAM.

I'm not sure if anyone I know has one but I can ask around.


tarasis - where are u in the UK?

Any chance ofcoming to london with a hard drive?

I could prepare all files and we could spend a day converting. I'll pay for lunch at Elstree Studios!
Someone should come to London with a DVD recorder! =D

Scanned a few more things. The main thing is the Princess and the Cobbler logo from the poster. It's HUGE. Be warned.


I was disappointed when I got this - I'd spent a bit of money on the poster because it used some form of the original logo on it. I've never seen the real Thief and the Cobbler logo in print ... on my cover I had to use a crap screen grab ... so having a big copy of the "Cobbler" part of the logo anyway was quite appealing.

No such luck - this isn't the full detailed gold version you'd expect. It's been redrawn by some idiot, it looks like a mockup done in magic marker or something. Not good.

Well, I have a clear version of the word "Thief" on the Thief Who Never Gave Up poster, and a clear version of "and the Cobbler" on this one ... to get a good Thief and the Cobbler logo one could use the rough outline from these two posters, and then somehow add really sharp gold detailing like the real logo ... somehow ...
Working on the war machine scene now ....
So I receive a package in the mail and now am overwhelmed with guilt because I haven't even been able to finish the Alex Williams phone transcript yet. v v

My last final is on Monday, though.

And thank you - - I'm really excited right now.
Surprised, aren't you? I knew you would be.
My last finals are on Wednesday, too.

I have to do job searching this week, but if I have time, I'm starting a TV show called "The Flickering Window" which would be broadcast on GBS-TV, as well as archived on YouTube (they'd hit YT after the first showing on GBSTV). Each episode would be about 15-20 minutes covering a single movie sort of like a video version of a term paper. The films I'm choosing are mostly those without decent documentaries on DVD or I'd like to put out more information on. "Thief" would definately be in one episode. I'm basically going with rare films, underrated, and good/great films that don't have proper documentaries on DVD (like the Paramount Marx Bros. films). Thankfully, animation won't be too often since Disney has provided great stuff on their DVD's... but I know I'll be doing A Boy Named Charlie Brown (VERY underrated film) and maybe Raggedy Ann and Andy.

I might even make "Thief" the first episode so it can go with the final Recobbled Cut.
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
Off-topic, but does anyone know what's going on over at MySpleen? The homepage has been down since last night.
Originally posted by: OgOggilby
I'm starting a TV show called "The Flickering Window" which would be broadcast on GBS-TV, as well as archived on YouTube. Each episode would be about 15-20 minutes covering a single movie sort of like a video version of a term paper. The films I'm choosing are mostly those without decent documentaries on DVD or I'd like to put out more information on. "Thief" would definately be in one episode. I'm basically going with rare films, underrated, and good/great films that don't have proper documentaries on DVD (like the Paramount Marx Bros. films). ...I know I'll be doing A Boy Named Charlie Brown (VERY underrated film) and maybe Raggedy Ann and Andy. I might even make "Thief" the first episode so it can go with the final Recobbled Cut.

OgOggilby, that sounds intriguing. Guess I'll be popping in to GBS-TV again.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

The other pages at Myspleen seem to be workingish.


If you can pull off a TV show, that'd be good stuff indeed. I always wanted to do a show reviewing the best cult TV shows ...
"ish" is right-- all the torrents are dead. The powers must be trying to tell me to get outside.

Og, what other titles do you have in mind for your series? Just curious.
Originally posted by: strangelove
"ish" is right-- all the torrents are dead. The powers must be trying to tell me to get outside.

Og, what other titles do you have in mind for your series? Just curious.

Off the top of my head, Help! (1965 Beatles film), Broken Blossoms (1919 D.W. Griffith/Lillian Gish), The Third Man (1949 Joseph Cotten/Orson Welles), The Bank Dick (1940 W.C. Fields film - source for my name), Duck Soup (1933 Marx Bros.), Metropolis (1927 Fritz Lang), The Gods Must Be Crazy, The Court Jester (1956, Danny Kaye), Treasure Island (1950 Disney), Sunrise (1927, F.W. Murnau), Being There (1979, Peter Sellers), Around the World in 80 Days (1956, David Niven/Cantinflas), Arsenic and Old Lace (1941 Cary Grant/Frank Capra)... maybe Napoleon (the epic 1927 Abel Gance film). Oh, and I almost forgot The Old Dark House (1932 James Whale/Karloff)

I actually starting shooting footage in October for The Bank Dick, but between my camera having terribly noisy audio and not having good editing resources, I scrapped it. Now that I've learned a lot about Sony Vegas and Audacity, I can do anything now. The biggest perk is that I can finally filter my audio to be crystal clear without the camera noise. Vegas will make editing simple, too.

The whole point is that I want to get people to see these films and discover them. I'm always on a crusade to get films released or released in their intended form. If a film can't be seen the way it was meant to be by the filmmakers, it might as well not be seen at all. As for "Thief," I'm still shocked that the cut versions gained a fan following. I think that's a sign of a truly great film if even that much of a mangling can still gain fans. The number of people I get interested or even get them to love the film is growing by the week.

By the way, I'm going to try to see if I can conduct an Atlanta screening of the final recobbled cut. I found that there's quite a lot of Something Awful "goons" in the area. If I can get permission to use one of the high-tech screening rooms at GSU, it would be neat.
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
I'm greatly looking forward to the episodes on Help and Napoleon. Help is a ridiculously underrated film that I think is one of the funniest flicks I've ever seen.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

Originally posted by: OgOggilby
My last finals are on Wednesday, too.

I have to do job searching this week, but if I have time, I'm starting a TV show called "The Flickering Window" which would be broadcast on GBS-TV, as well as archived on YouTube (they'd hit YT after the first showing on GBSTV). Each episode would be about 15-20 minutes covering a single movie sort of like a video version of a term paper. The films I'm choosing are mostly those without decent documentaries on DVD or I'd like to put out more information on. "Thief" would definately be in one episode. I'm basically going with rare films, underrated, and good/great films that don't have proper documentaries on DVD (like the Paramount Marx Bros. films). Thankfully, animation won't be too often since Disney has provided great stuff on their DVD's... but I know I'll be doing A Boy Named Charlie Brown (VERY underrated film) and maybe Raggedy Ann and Andy.

I might even make "Thief" the first episode so it can go with the final Recobbled Cut.

Neat you'll be going after "A Boy Named Charlie Brown". Still haven't got the DVD that's out, but I know it's worth the $10 for those interested in seeing it.
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

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Originally posted by: ocpmovie
The other pages at Myspleen seem to be workingish.


That's for that! I wasn't sure what to do, but now I have it bookmarked!
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

For more mindless entertainment....
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The Online Video Depository - For all your daily video needs!
Neat to see what the one for "Metropolis" would be like. I first saw that way back in high school, though my film teacher there apparently enjoyed the Georgio Morodor version so I had to put up with seeing that one firsthand.
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

For more mindless entertainment....
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The currently available Metropolis reconstruction is pretty exhaustive, but if you want to get really detail-intensive you could compare the DVD (which is based on the European print) with a U.S. public-domain release. In order to provide a first-generation negative for stateside distribution, much of the action was shot twice, resulting in alternate negatives-- note the variation in Brigitte Helm's performance on "Let the machines stop!" for starters.

Also, Thea von Harbou's novelization is available in a decent English translation. It's worth hunting down.
I like the Moroder version too ... =\
The Moroder version seems to have some footage the current "official" release doesn't.
Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?

Originally posted by: ocpmovie
I like the Moroder version too ... =\

Glad to see someone else likes to too! I just wasn't sure if it was just me!
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

For more mindless entertainment....
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The Online Video Depository - For all your daily video needs!
Originally posted by: SilverWook
The Moroder version seems to have some footage the current "official" release doesn't.

Some footage was created by Moroder for that release, notably the close-up shot of Hel's shrine.
I know the feeling.

Video editing on part 2 is basically complete. I'm still going over it, tweaking and fixing, fixing and tweaking.

I have to do new credits and I might do some new shots, improve the editing in, say, the scene where King Nod talks about the witch -- that scene has stuck out as needing work.

This doesn't mean that the final cut is done ... I've got a lot of work left to do, mostly on the sound, which I haven't really started yet. I have to reedit the entire soundtrack for both parts almost from scratch, and creatively I'm going to be changing music cues, including more classical tracks, which I have to put some thought/time into.

It's all just refining at this point, though. The big stuff is done. Not much longer now ... if I had to show this cut at a public screening tomorrow it would be approvable.

I will spend extra time making sure it's as good as it can be. Double and triple checking. I'll be making menus for the DVD, doing interesting stuff.

Gimme some time to tweak and polish rather than rush these last steps. But it's close now ... quite close.
What's the sitch with a hard drive or DVD recorder turning up at my place at Elstree?

Anyone in the UK able to do this? I can work on getting things ready to roll...

Quicktime can play the Matrox AVI format, so if you have FCP you can convert. Damn my old, old, PC for not being up to the job...

BTW, on the archive movies TV docs - great idea. There are some very good choices in there. The BBC did a GREAT doc on Citizen Kane which wasn't on the DVD...I'll have to covert that too (one day!)...

I also have another VHS of Metropolis that claims to run for 2hrs 20m...??? I suspect some slow frame rate shenanigans here!
I can't wait to hear the final audio track. When that part of "Tallis" started when Yum-Yum needs her shoe fixed, that was so wonderful. I did notice some stuff out-of-sync probably due to the workprint AVI having that bad sync.

By the way, I was messing around with Vegas and actually tried to stereoize some of the music... here's part of the opening: www.ctufilms.com/stereoopening.mp3 I don't think it's very good, but maybe there's a better way.

My problem with the Metropolis DVD is that it really doesn't go as in-depth as it should have. The commentary is mostly film theory stuff (Freud, phallocentrism, Jung, etc - standard film theory stuff) and the documentary is mostly on German expressionism and the restoration. I want to make a complement to that, which means my short piece would be more on the actors, the making of the film, a critical look at the movie, etc. Also, you'd enjoy the background on the relationships between von Harbou, Lang, Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Rotwang), and the composer Gottfried Huppertz. The restored cut is supposedly the most accurate re-creation of the original, except that it has some stuff explained in the intertitles for missing scenes that were cut out before the premiere (they didn't need to be mentioned). I think that the omission of some footage has to do with it being outtakes not meant to be in the film. I remember reading about Napoleon and how three different sources could have different takes or different editing forms. I've listened to parts of the Moroder score and they don't really impress me... but I'm kind of biased since the 1927 orchestral score is so great. The Madacy edition actually slows down the film to about 12-16 frames per second, which cheats the running time. Not to mention it's an absolutely hideous print/transfer.

I hope I'm not derailing on this. Now, the "Thief" episode would probably end up being a much longer episode since I want to sort of put in my ideas for the "Cutting the Golden Balls" thing.
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
Originally posted by: OgOggilby
I can't wait to hear the final audio track. When that part of "Tallis" started when Yum-Yum needs her shoe fixed, that was so wonderful. I did notice some stuff out-of-sync probably due to the workprint AVI having that bad sync.

By the way, I was messing around with Vegas and actually tried to stereoize some of the music... here's part of the opening: www.ctufilms.com/stereoopening.mp3 I don't think it's very good, but maybe there's a better way.
That sounds beautiful!

My problem with the Metropolis DVD is that it really doesn't go as in-depth as it should have. The commentary is mostly film theory stuff (Freud, phallocentrism, Jung, etc - standard film theory stuff) and the documentary is mostly on German expressionism and the restoration. I want to make a complement to that, which means my short piece would be more on the actors, the making of the film, a critical look at the movie, etc. Also, you'd enjoy the background on the relationships between von Harbou, Lang, Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Rotwang), and the composer Gottfried Huppertz. The restored cut is supposedly the most accurate re-creation of the original, except that it has some stuff explained in the intertitles for missing scenes that were cut out before the premiere (they didn't need to be mentioned). I think that the omission of some footage has to do with it being outtakes not meant to be in the film. I remember reading about Napoleon and how three different sources could have different takes or different editing forms. I've listened to parts of the Moroder score and they don't really impress me... but I'm kind of biased since the 1927 orchestral score is so great. The Madacy edition actually slows down the film to about 12-16 frames per second, which cheats the running time. Not to mention it's an absolutely hideous print/transfer.

I hope I'm not derailing on this. Now, the "Thief" episode would probably end up being a much longer episode since I want to sort of put in my ideas for the "Cutting the Golden Balls" thing.

Sounds like a very intriguing series!
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

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Anyone on a Mac experienced with creating torrents? I'd be interested in putting stuff up via torrent at say, mininova. A google search has turned up the usual info for creating on Windows. Blah.