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Post #204240

Tequila Mockingbird
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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released)
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Date created
25-Apr-2006, 7:47 PM
Aimed at anyone in the UK - Anyone have a PD-150 Sony camera?

Coz that is DVCam format and will play my tapes. If anyone in the UK has that at least then they can capture via Firewire into their computers.

Or... REALLY CRAZY IDEA... How much is a 20/30gb hard drive? I could perhaps shift everything onto one drive and send that out? It would be in the Matrox uncompressed AVI format (which DEFINATELY plays in Quicktime and FCP). That's a pretty crazy idea.


BTW, I checked out that Raggedy Ann And Andy disc - did you guys realize that the WHOLE THING is anamorphically stretched, and lot just the opening shots of the girl? At least the version I have is.

Now, imagine a 2.35:1 movie (which Ann And Andy is), and chop the ends off to roughly 1.78/1.85 - THAT's what is retained in the version I have - it's so clear from anything circular that the image is stretched. It's only at the end that the manual extra squeeze comes in to push it back to the full 2.35 squash, but the rest of the movie is DEFINATELY vertically stretched out and retains much more picture image than a regular pan-and-scan job would do.

I can't work out if it's an LD transfer or not, but the quality is higher than VHS and there doesn't seem to be the "VHS line" that you get at the bottom of the image in overscan. There is ONE tape-like dropout on the CBS/FOX logo at the top of the print, but after that I did not detect any other defects and even red colors were locked in and looked good. Horizontal lines are also strong, so I suspect this is an LD transfer.

I agree with a post above - the stair chase scene is a dead ringer for the same in The Thief...definitely some kind of test (or maybe a time saver, to use already completed animation, albeit uncolored, for the sequence).