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Post #203636

Tequila Mockingbird
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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released)
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Date created
23-Apr-2006, 6:38 PM
Hey guys...

Sorry for my frankly shite timing - I'm actually a director, helming my first project and getting more and more tied up in production. I was actually thinking of starting a thread up for people to stay in contact directly since I am not getting the time to keep up to date and on track of the few threads I'd like to help out on - there's so much going on here that I'd like to have done myself or be able to participate in!

I can't exactly remember what I was looking for in relation to The Thief, but I see The Little Island is a possibility. Let me know if you need transfer costs, I could maybe manage to send on $60 if need be.

Re: Animating Art and I Drew Roger Rabbit - I found the tapes. Good news: Animating Art is in good shape, on BetaSP. Lesser good news (but not totally bad): I Drew Roger Rabbit is NOT on BetaSP, but a copy on S-VHS from the original U-Matic source. Still probably better than what you have but no harm in sending it all and you can match up what's best.

Roger Rabbit And The Secrets Of ToonTown - found both of these (the original off-air VHS and my "special edition" with extra Richard Williams speaking about the Benny The Cab sequence). Again, I can send both out if you'd like.

Academy Awards 1989/1990 - found a stash of VHS Oscar tapings, but the earliest they went back was 1992 (frustrating!!). Bear with me as I have another bunch of tapes to go through and am *fairly* confident that we may have this yet.


On the supplements: seem you may beat Warners with their 14-disc Superman set this Christmas!

My only problem is...I have no home equipment - it's all pro-stuff at an edit suite at Elstree Studios. Therefore, the only formats I can really play out to easily are VHS (but then losing a generation) and DVCam (note NOT MiniDV. DVCam is the pro-version of that and uses the same size tape but at a faster, non-drop out pitch. DVCam will not automatically play back on home camcorders, but some may surprise).

Burning to DVD has never been needed as an option (it's all usually done out of house), although I have been thinking about a DVD recorder for home. This will probably wait until after the shoot is done, which will be a few months. So...if anyone can handle DVCam and get that coverted, let me know. It'll be PAL of course, and recording the contents to tape will have to be fit in as and when I can, but I'll get it done eventually!

I'm still here, but under various pressures, as I hope you'll understand.