Originally posted by: Trooperman
He's a perfectionist, People!
Hey- I resemble that remark
No, I'll have you know that Episode III will probably take a good deal less time than SOTDS. I already have the system worked out, and on top of that, I was much more impressed with the colors and the cinematography for ROTS. General Grievous and the whole Upatu thing is what needs a major overhaul. But I think Lucas actually hit the nail on the head with the Palpatine/Anakin scenes- before Palpatine becomes disfigured. This scene and some of the ones that follow it are incredibly ridiculous. Some of the ways are very difficult or impossible to fix, such as Palptine's distorted voice and his awful makeup. But there is less to do on ROTS, and I already have the system and the universe/objectives set up.
He's a perfectionist, People!
Hey- I resemble that remark

No, I'll have you know that Episode III will probably take a good deal less time than SOTDS. I already have the system worked out, and on top of that, I was much more impressed with the colors and the cinematography for ROTS. General Grievous and the whole Upatu thing is what needs a major overhaul. But I think Lucas actually hit the nail on the head with the Palpatine/Anakin scenes- before Palpatine becomes disfigured. This scene and some of the ones that follow it are incredibly ridiculous. Some of the ways are very difficult or impossible to fix, such as Palptine's distorted voice and his awful makeup. But there is less to do on ROTS, and I already have the system and the universe/objectives set up.
Trooperman, any thoughts on how to 'fix' the Palpatine 'oh darn, my own force lightning is hurting me' scene?
The reason I ask that whatever Lucas states to the contrary, I've always believed that Palpatine always looked that way.
My thoughts are that being a powerful Sith he used the force to disguise his 'public' appearance. It's just not credible that he hurts himself to that extent with his own force lightning.
It would be more credible if:
a) The prolonged attack on Mace with the lightning causes a 'power drain' that removes his ability to disguise himself.
b) The reveal was intentional and made to look like damage from the force lightning to gain simpathy with Anakin and / or the senate.
I'm not sure how it could be made clearer to the viewer that it was not accidental injury with the limited shots we have. Maybe some sort of shot morphing Palpatine / Sidious later on to show he has the ability to 'restore' his face?
I just wish the scene was shot originally somethin like this:
Palpatine: 'Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?'
Palpatine stands, puts up his hood. Close up on lower part of his face, turning pale... Camera pans up to his 'evil eyes'. Shot of Sidious pulling out his light Saber, jump attack on the Jedi... etc