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How Star Wars names are translated in non-english countries...

I was thinking about the work of translation that has been made in France. It's not bad, really, but there are a lot of disturbing things concerning the various names of the Star Wars universe. Here are some examples:

Darth Vader -> Dark Vador (and so, all the Sith lords of the saga are "Dark xxx")
Han Solo -> Yan Solo
Chewbacca -> Chicktaba (only in ANH)
Chewie -> Chico (only in ANH)
The Millennium Falcon -> Le Millennium Condor (in ANH)
C-3PO -> Z-6PO (only in the OT)
R2-D2 -> D2-R2 (what have they smoked?...)
Alderraan -> Aldorande
The Death Star -> L'Etoile Noire (The Black Star)
Tarkin -> Tarkan
Jabba the Hutt -> Jabba le Forestier (!!!), "forestier" meaning "forester", I think they've translated the word "hut" in the first sense, and so though about the forest... how crazy!
Bantha -> Banthos

What do you think of that? Pretty weird, heh?
Note that the more affected episode is Star Wars (or ANH), and the PT has no real translation troubles.

So, I was wondering: how does the Star Wars names are translated in other non-english countries? I'm just curious... It could be funny...
My Italian friends know Vader as the Dark Father. That's how they say his name in English. I don't know how they say it in Italian tho. Only heard them ask about him in English. I showed two of my Italian friends Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back this past week. First off they wanted to see Spaceballs. That had their interest initially more than any Star Wars movie. Found that quite amusing.
"The Millennium Condor?" WTF? Don't they have Falcons in France?

And why the hell would they change around R2 and C-3P0's names? They are just numbers and letters. What? France doesn't have the number three in their language?
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
I don't get it... Why should you translate names? My name is the same nomather where in the world I am so why should this be any different? Chico!! That is just stupid!

Here in Sweden there is no translation of the names and no movies are dubbed (well, maybe a few movies for children... but usualy they keep the original language to). We just have to learn english or read the subs.

-x- I aim to misbehave -x- www.gamerworld.se -x-

Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
"The Millennium Condor?" WTF? Don't they have Falcons in France?

And why the hell would they change around R2 and C-3P0's names? They are just numbers and letters. What? France doesn't have the number three in their language?

Originally posted by: DarthBoMan
I don't get it... Why should you translate names? My name is the same nomather where in the world I am so why should this be any different? Chico!! That is just stupid!

I totally agree with you! I've never understood those name translations. In a way, I think they have made some names more "Earthy", I mean near from real names. "Yan" instead of "Han" sounds like a name of Bretagne (french region), "Chico" sounds mexican,...
For C-3PO, I think they played on the similarities in the pronouciation, "6" in french is near of "3" in english than "3" in french, if you see what I mean.
For the "Millennium Condor", all I have to say is that I've never understood this change (and also "WTF?") ! Considering that it's named "le Faucon Millennium" in TESB and ROTJ...

Concerning the french voices, there are some troubles also. Recurrent secondary characters (like Wedge Antilles) change voice from an episode to another.
But the must disturbing is for the SE. In the Jabba scene in ANH (and in the little changes of dialogue in the Greedo scene), Han has not the same french voice that in the rest of the film. And when I say "not the same", it's really a big different voice! Too bad they didn't call back the original french voice, considering that he's still alive...

Well, all that to say that I always watch Star Wars in english with french subs, even if I've grown up with the french version that I like (really!), just for the voices...
Originally posted by: Kaal-JhyyBut the must disturbing is for the SE. In the Jabba scene in ANH (and in the little changes of dialogue in the Greedo scene), Han has not the same french voice that in the rest of the film. And when I say "not the same", it's really a big different voice! Too bad they didn't call back the original french voice, considering that he's still alive...

yeah! Francis Lax rules as Han's voice! i don't know why they didn't get him for the SE ...they were able to get Dominique Collignon-Maurin (Luke's original french voice) for the new Biggs scene but can't have Lax to do one line? WTF!

Ska vi tala svenska? Hej, DarthBoMan. Förlåt, jag förstår en lita svenska.
I remember that SKot said on here one time that for the French dub of the holiday special, they got the same people to do the dub as those who did the dub for ANH!
And in the Computer World the Title "Star Wars" would look like this:


you and check this by cut and paste the code to this site its pretty cool.

§ JxF §

Hej Sky_Solo! Det är några få som förstår svenska här på forumet (förutom jag).

Hur har du lärt dig svenska?

-x- I aim to misbehave -x- www.gamerworld.se -x-

Nice thread,

since I'm German I'll give you our translations (which I really like):

Millenium Falcon-----> Rasender Falke (only in ANH) which means "Speeding Falcon"
Title Star Wars-----> Krieg der Sterne
Empire strikes back-----> Das Imperium schlägt zurück
Return of the Jedi-----> Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter
Death Star-----> Todesstern
Tatooine----> Tattuin
Star Destroyer---->Sternenzerstörer
the Force-----> Die Macht

So basically they just translated it literally, which is awesom. Darth Vader stays Darth Vader. That's why I hate the Prequels and the DVD 04 Edition. They switched it to Star Wars instead of Krieg der Sterne, they made Count Dooku to Count Dooku and did NOT switch it to Graf Dooku. Therefore the German kids get the impression, that count is a name rather than a title.

But like I said, the OT has a really good german version (I dream of a decent DVD of the german version...!)
A young jedi named Darth Vader who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil helped the empire hunt down and destroy the jedi knights. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the force.
Originally posted by: Kaal-Jhyy
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
And why the hell would they change around R2 and C-3P0's names? They are just numbers and letters. What? France doesn't have the number three in their language?

For C-3PO, I think they played on the similarities in the pronouciation, "6" in french is near of "3" in english than "3" in french, if you see what I mean.

C-3PO is called "threepio" in english, and it's the pronouciation of the 3 letters 3 P O. The translators had to come with a french name with a roughly equivalent pronouciation that could be written with letters too. So we have Z-6PO, and he is called "sispéo" (I have no explanations for the Z though). In french "sispéo" is easier on the ears than "troipéo" (3PO in french)! The same explanation applies to "artoo" ("dédeux" -> D2).

I'll add that "Star Wars" had be known as "La guerre des étoiles" since 1977, but that has changed for the prequels. And everybody in France talks now of "Star Wars"...

(for the french speaking people on this forum: do you agree that the french version of ANH (more than the others) is a lot of fun? Han saying to Luke as the Falcon is about to make the jump to lightspeed: "Prends ta pelle et ton seau, p'tit gars, et va jouer." ("Take your shovel and bucket, kid, and go play" (in the sandbox)))
DarthBoMan, jag har lärt mig svenska på universitet. Jag älskar Ingmar Bergmans filmer, och gillar jag Mitt liv som hund av Lasse Halström också. Den där er mest varför jag lärt svenska. Skål!
Originally posted by: Z6PO

I'll add that "Star Wars" had be known as "La guerre des étoiles" since 1977, but that has changed for the prequels. And everybody in France talks now of "Star Wars"...

(for the french speaking people on this forum: do you agree that the french version of ANH (more than the others) is a lot of fun? Han saying to Luke as the Falcon is about to make the jump to lightspeed: "Prends ta pelle et ton seau, p'tit gars, et va jouer." ("Take your shovel and bucket, kid, and go play" (in the sandbox)))

i totally agree! the french version of SW (except the "frenchized" names) is great! it's one of those french version of the 70's with great actors who have a colorfull voice (like the dubbing for Jaws, Superman, etc...(it's a shame they made a new french track for the dvds of these movies!))
i personnaly like the remark of Luke when Yoda "explores" the camp : "... tu fout la merde partout!"

Originally posted by: Z6PO
"Prends ta pelle et ton seau, p'tit gars, et va jouer." ("Take your shovel and bucket, kid, and go play" (in the sandbox)))

Oh, I've always loved that line! Everytime I hear it, I just laugh! It's so funny, and, I have to say it, so misplaced in the SW universe.

Another funny line in that scene is "Piloter dans l'espace, c'est autre chose qu'une moissoneuse-batteuse!"...

And yep, I also love the ESB line "Tu fous la merde partout...", grifter!

And the translation of "scoundrel" to "vaurien" is also great.

Well, it's all my childhood!
In Italy they call the Death Star Morte Nera, which means "Black Death".
I'd like a qui-gon jinn please with an Obi-Wan to go.

Red heads ROCK. Blondes do not rock. Nuff said.

Originally posted by: Han Solo VS Indiana Jones
In Italy they call the Death Star Morte Nera, which means "Black Death".

...or "Giant Hurt Ball," "The Sphere of Fear," The Deathticle," etc.

(I hope someone gets that reference.)
For Brazil, the old names are pretty much kept the same way. "Star Wars" was called "Guerra nas Estrelas" (literally, "war in the stars"), but since the prequels this name has been faded out and Star Wars (in english) is used instead, for commercial reasons. "Death Star" is called "Estrela da Morte", which means... Death Star of course. You MAY find some ships names translated, like "X-Wing" being called "Asa X", but that is on VERY old material (until early 90s).

Now, some names from the prequels were changed because they ressambled cursing slang in brazillian portuguese.

Count Dooku became Count Dokan (you MAY find Dooku in some material, like the Clone Wars close captioning)
Sifo Dias became Zaifo Vias

I refuse to explain why those were changed
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Originally posted by: ricarleite
For Brazil, the old names are pretty much kept the same way. "Star Wars" was called "Guerra nas Estrelas" (literally, "war in the stars"), but since the prequels this name has been faded out and Star Wars (in english) is used instead, for commercial reasons. "Death Star" is called "Estrela da Morte", which means... Death Star of course. You MAY find some ships names translated, like "X-Wing" being called "Asa X", but that is on VERY old material (until early 90s).

Now, some names from the prequels were changed because they ressambled cursing slang in brazillian portuguese.

Count Dooku became Count Dokan (you MAY find Dooku in some material, like the Clone Wars close captioning)
Sifo Dias became Zaifo Vias

I refuse to explain why those were changed

Oh, please explain!...
Except it's syster! Okay, now for real back to topic!
another "funny" french translation is in the OB1/ Luke dialogue, Luke talks about "la guerre noire" (the black war) wich in fact the way they translated the clone wars! strange...maybe the concept of clones was too evoluted for french audiences! lol!

Originally posted by: Kaal-Jhyy
Originally posted by: ricarleite
For Brazil, the old names are pretty much kept the same way. "Star Wars" was called "Guerra nas Estrelas" (literally, "war in the stars"), but since the prequels this name has been faded out and Star Wars (in english) is used instead, for commercial reasons. "Death Star" is called "Estrela da Morte", which means... Death Star of course. You MAY find some ships names translated, like "X-Wing" being called "Asa X", but that is on VERY old material (until early 90s).

Now, some names from the prequels were changed because they ressambled cursing slang in brazillian portuguese.

Count Dooku became Count Dokan (you MAY find Dooku in some material, like the Clone Wars close captioning)
Sifo Dias became Zaifo Vias

I refuse to explain why those were changed

Oh, please explain!...

Okay, why not...


It's time to teach you some obscure brazillian portuguese obscene slangs. The kind of thing no one will teach you.

First, Dooku. Although both o's would be read as only one, one could read it as "dou - o - cu" in portuguese. Dou is from the verb dar (to give, to concede, to allow), meaning something like "I give" or "I concede this". The next letter, "O", is the equivalent of "the" (for a masculine, singular word). Now, the following one, which I rather not repeat, is a slang for... asshole. Not a person who is an asshole, but the actual... you know. So, this expression, although literally dosen't mean much, is used to represent something like: "I enjoy having anal sex"

Sifodias. Now, this one could be read phonetically as Se Fodias. The "se", in this case, is a particle word that means oneself. The following word is the second person singular for a verb that literally means "fuck". This sentence would mean something like "He/She got fucked".

So now you know what they changed those.

The only one unchanged (and I think they should have changed it), is Panaka, which sounds like panaca, which means "jerk", "idiot".

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Thanks for the explanations ricarleite. Sometimes, the SW names HAVE to change...
Regarding C-3P0's name, I guess that at least the German translation gets it a little bit wrong... of course it was just translated: three-pee-oh -> drei-pe-oh (being pronounced somewhat like dry-pay-oh). Anyway, the O in the original name is actually the Number 0, but of course it's not spoken as "zero", but as "O". So basically the correct translation would've been "Drei-Pe-Null"... which would've sounded just as stupid as "three-pee-zero".

Mmh... I don't really know what I was going for. But I've gotta admit, the german-translation (and the vioce-casting) of the OT is absolutely top notch.