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Post #182056

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The "Darth Editous / ADigitalMan Hybrid Edition" Info and Feedback Thread (Released)
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Date created
15-Feb-2006, 9:05 PM
ADigitalMan and Darth Editous:

I have three words for you, and I hate to curse in in all caps with multiple exclamation points, but even a veteran of the intarwebs is occasionally reduced to such base emotion.


No, really, you do. This has got be, by far, my favorite fan edit of all time. You see, I'm a A/V geek, so not only did your edits have to help the story, they had to look and sound good on an HDTV, upscaled to 2x DVD resolution via HTPC, and go through a decent "mid-level" (in the A/V world, that's ~$2000) 7.1 sound system. After reading your description(s), I was wary of all these entries talking about "painting" this in, or "removing" that, or "remixing" such and such a line. Not that I wasn't excited to see what you guys had done story-wise, but I had a hard time believing that I wouldn't be distracted and annoyed by the technical work. Surely, some guys couldn't just do that, it had to be some kind of hack job that you might not notice on a 20" analog TV with some RCA home-theater-in-a-box (aka HTIB). What, you're going to remove an entire goddamn robot and such, and it won't look bad? Pfft. Garcon, please remove this rubbish from my plate, these edits must be so common.

Yet, you humbled me. Knocked me off my high horse, brought my nose down from the clouds, whatever. My elitist bubble was burst, because this shit is well nigh flawless. Sure, there might be a slight flaw here or there, but I'll be damned if I couldn't tell if it was you or ILM (who, by the way, should hire you right now, as in yesterday) without a list in front of me. I've probably got a million more things to say, but I don't really want to sound like some gibbering fool, although it might be too late for that. I will say that I've enjoyed the prequel edits that ADigitalMan has put together immensely, so much so that I believe that the edits of all six movies, and probably Clone Wars, will be the only SW I watch until the HD versions (hopefully Blu-Ray) come out. This edit, however, takes the cake. Bravo, fellas, bravo.