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Post #179450

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***The Official RowMan*** Release Thread
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Date created
10-Feb-2006, 2:00 AM
I think the R2 Search footage is from Empire of Dreams. The "scene" is on Deleted Magic and is somewhat recreated using the EOD footage and audio, audio from the SW radio drama, some quick shots from SW, and what looks like a newly created shot of the speeder's viewscreen graphics topped off with a moving still of 3PO and Luke in the speeder.

The THX demos came from a Best Buy demo disc. They were originally transferred from an old VHS recording of the THX WOW! laserdisc for my very first release of the bonus disc.

I'm not sure if it makes a huge difference capturing regular VHS from an S-VHS VCR, but I do utilize the S-Video output. It's the best VHS machine I've got so I mind as well use it, ya know?