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Post #176220

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Info: Where do you draw the line?
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Date created
2-Feb-2006, 4:14 AM
"Right now, the fact that I already own the movie means I should be allowed to have a higher quality version of that same movie."

While that may very well be your opinion, the law says otherwise.

"There are vast differences between the retail DVD and the HDTV broadcast."

Differences in quality, I don't doubt. Differences in content - I do. As there is no difference in content, and only in quality this must be piracy.

"Darkfox, tell me what is the difference between someone doing a HD Tivo of the film and leaving it on their box until the official DVD comes out and someone moving that copy to a DVD to free up space on their Tivo?"

Simple. Under Aussie Law it is illegal to record any television program without written permission. US law is very different, however as you have "fair use" it would be acceptable to record for your own personal use... but US law does not extend to making copies... as soon as you do that, you are breaking "fair use", and entering piracy.

"Also note that the HD capture is from a publicly available broadcast. It's not like someone ripped a retail release and posted it."

Jay, making copies of either is illegal and handled equally under the law, so what's the difference?

"Blade runner has been deleted for sometime on all formats "

Region 1 is not out of print.

"The retail DVD of Blade Runner is total smeg. And bare bones with no special features."

Well you know what, welcome to the world of capital product. It may be a disappointment. I admit, it is. But it's still legal, it's still available - and it's passable quality.

As Lucas said, when moving from a democracy to a dictatorship you are met with not boos, but cheers. As is it with piracy; moving from preservation, as I'm now fully aware. I don't care if you don't wake up to yourselves, because you've been extremely disrespectful to me. I'm not asking for an apology, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction. Just know that I am not going to apologize for what I believe.