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Post #175214

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Date created
31-Jan-2006, 7:47 PM
Originally posted by: Jay
Thank you for pointing this out. Please note that the initial request was posted before the release of the UK box set with the colorized version; it's possible the poster didn't realize its release was coming about a month later.
While that's true, six people still asked for a copy of the official DVD (not an LD rip), and 2 were in the UK. The other's behavior I deliberately didn't comment on, because from a preservation point of view they were not pirating (which I think we do agree on). But then again, how long after the UK release goes OOP do you think people should wait before asking for preservations of the colourized king kong again? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? 1 week? Should the company be given time to think about another official release, or should it be "preserved" immediately after going OOP?

Mr Bungle, I too have a sizeable DVD collection. I would even like to add some things to it, like the OOT, maybe Blade Runner: TIC/Theatrical - in fact that's another good point, and I don't mean to be funny - but Blade Runner: DC is available to buy as well. Oh sure the R4 is OOP, and all DVD releases of it are terrible quality, really - I myself own the R1 disc. Now since this is available to buy legally, why should people be pirating it in "higher quality"? Jay do you realize there are people on this forum talking about an HD TV rip that want to copy it and pass it around, because they're simply not happy with the quality of the official release? Do you feel this counts as fair game for preservation copying, even though you can legally purchase the DVD - even if it is a little lower in quality?

It is my opinion that any movie shown in HD will be of greater quality then the DVD - would this mean they are all fair game to be copied for preservation, because the DVD's quality, by comparison, is inadequate? I don't know what you're opinion is on this Jay, and I'm interested in finding out - I'm not trying to patronize you.

Where do you draw the line? Can you, or others, understand why I can see that example, of copying Blade Runner: DC HD TV Rip as being piracy?

Fan edits might be okay when you keep them to yourself. But the moment you distribute them, you've produced an unauthorized copy. Whether on torrents, traded disc-for-disc, or shared with your close friends. This is something that studios have every right to put a stop to - because you've altered their work, and you're pirated it. There was example, not long ago (about 2 years now), of several nightclubs in Sydney which would remix (themselves) different music. They would distribute this music, as well as play it in the night clubs. Police raided several, seized the copies, arrested all involved - charged and prosecuted them. That was considered piracy.

But it wasn't just distributing their unauthorized copies that they were charged with, they were also prosecuted for playing it in the nightclub in the first place.

Master Sifo-Dyas - I can post how I want, right? There is an obvious reply link, all over these pages. I'm searching now, and I still can't find a "PM link" anywhere on, at or even near Jay's post. It may be because I'm not logged in, but I prefer to log in every time I want to post something, the "I want to stay logged in." checkbox is optional for a reason you know.