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Post #174651

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Time to grow up.
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Date created
30-Jan-2006, 8:47 PM
Shimraa, you make me think. I realize full well not everyone is the same, or has the same intentions, or says the same thing here. There are members I can name, by their usernames to point out behavior I don't agree with. On the first page of this website is a quote made by Lucas against the colourization of classic B&W films, and then there is a thread where people are asking for pirated copies of the colourized version of King Kong (1933) - which can be bought legally! Jay tells me Lucas once made his own edits of hollywood films - in defense of fan edits (of any film, not just star wars). Ok, fair enough - but did Lucas distribute these edits as well? Because I can see a problem if he did, and if he did - just because HE did it doesn't make it ok.

But you're right, I came here peacefully. These are my observations, and my opinions, nothing more. GundarkHunter, I don't doubt you're a good lawyer - and I mean no disrespect; however if you are saying that by distributing (lets assume for free) unauthorized copies of movies, in unauthorized edits, of legit releases that no wrong has been done to the copyright owners and that it is every consumers right to do so - you are most certainly mistaking. You may find it interesting to note on the wikipedia page for starwars, under preservation is a link to this site.

You all want to know a true story? Since in Jay's words "You don't sign up at a forum and then proceed to tell the owner and members their community is a den of thieves with questionable morals", and honestly I didn't come HERE to do anything of the kind, I came here to discuss. But there was a time I did just that. I went to a forum to tell the owner and members their community is a den of thieves with questionable morals.

There is a forum at the website whiterevolution.com. "Antifa" (non-supporters) are only allowed to post in one forum, where the moderators routinely edit their posts to make them sound like morons, and the whole community pounces on them - far worse then what you see here. It was a forum that wasn't worth my time either. But in all fairness I felt like confronting these people, and so I did. I registered under the username of "One Small Christian" and I posted "One Small Post". Here's the link, so you can read it for yourself:


Pay close attention to the member aryanok88, if you choose to read the thread. You see I thought it would be interesting to come in to a racist forum and say "hi, I'm white, and you're wrong". To say "if you hate me doesn't that make YOU an enemy of the white race". To show them what they're cause is doing is unproductive, immoral, and quite frankly disgusting. It took a lot of effort on my part, to hold ground there, and make arguments which would make sense to the forum members there. The mods would threaten me, shout abuse, mess with my account - basically everything short of banning me. And I'm not banned, they never banned me. I can return to the forum any time I like. Eventually aryanok88 decided he was not going to continue to be a part of the movement, he sent me a PM in secret informing me that he's decided to leave the white nationalist movement, remove hate from his life, and pursue God.

What is most interesting is that this was the member who had said earlier in the thread:

As far as I'm concerned, you have proved nothing One Small Christian. I am a God fearing Christian (and those of you who don't believe the bible need to keep that opinion to yourselves, for it insults those of who do believe it). However, I'm not of the brainwashed Zionist churches of today. The white race is the true Israel, and the Jews of today are merely a con on the people of the world. Holding hands and singing We are the World is what you seem to want. It's not going to happen, so why do you bother posting here? Do you think you are going to convert us?

Like someone once said, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one." Well, thanks for your opinion...asshole!

Note that one question "Do you think you are going to convert us?" - No I did not. But I did, and that I feel was the greatest thing I achieved all year.

So if some of you here want to shout abuse at me, go ahead I'm not going to stop you. You can judge me all you like - after all I know I'm not perfect. You can call me out of order, you can tell me I'm unwelcome to be your friend, that you hate me and wish I was dead if you like. I just want you to know one thing... and that is I will never give you the satisfaction of hearing such abuse from me.

Now since I am unwelcome, and since I do have better and more pressing things to worry about then this forum, this is goodbye. Back to lurking.