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Post #172537

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Time to grow up.
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Date created
23-Jan-2006, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by: Jay
What the hell is going on?

I've read a lot of crap today, and this is the first time in a long time I've questioned the value of my work in maintaining this place and busting my ass on the redesign. This is the most childish garbage I've seen posted here--ever. I'm now beginning to understand the lousy reputation this forum has developed in the fan community. If I had stumbled across this board recently, I can't say I would've bothered to sign up.

Some of you are going to point your fingers at a certain member. I see a lot of namecalling on both sides and not one of you involved in this little playground altercation can claim to be in the right. Calling someone a dickhead because they like the prequels is unacceptable. Sending PMs with your insults so you can appear respectful in public is unacceptable.

I've always preferred a hands-off approach to forum moderation, believing people can work out their differences given enough time and discussion, but it doesn't seem to be working in this case.

All personal attacks stop now. This includes public posts and private messages. Personal attacks will result in your removal.

No exceptions. No excuses. No warnings.

Jay, I'm a long-time "lurker". I wanted to say something, but I don't know in what forum it would belong most. First off, I think it's great you're dedicated enough to have a website and forum here, so please don't get me wrong. When people can come together for what they believe in - I think it's beautiful.

My question is why is there so much piracy on these forums? It seems here just about every popular movie is going the rounds in piracy. By piracy I mean copying. OK, I understand copying the O-OT, because that can't be bought. But it seems here people will copy any movie, and trade it around, in unauthorized fan-edits. And that is piracy, and I cannot see why Lucasfilm, Fox or any studio wouldn't be outraged by this kind of behavior.

I can't see why director's wouldn't be outraged, and maybe write so on their official websites. Because they sell us movies to enjoy, not to pick apart, edit, and copy all we like.

Oh one other question. Don't you think that by having piracy on your forums it harms your lobbying for official release of the O-OT, when companies see what you do to theatrical cuts that they do release to you?