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The Stepford Wives 2004 - Workprint (Released)


I got this from a rather strange guy I met on a movie convention some time ago. Don´t know where he got it but it seemes to be a cam of a pre/test-sreening of an early version of the movie. It´s quite different from the version that hit the cinemas and is for sale on dvd. By roughly comparing it to the dvd I have counted about 50 diffenences which include a different beginning, several extended/new scenes and completely different music. Does anyone know if there are plans to release something like a directur´s cut/extended version? All I could find until today was the international standard version that was in the cinemas…

I would be very interested in getting a copy of that. Are you perhaps up for a trade?

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

sure, if they aren´t gonna release the version officially I´ll probably do so
I'd also be very interested in seeing that as the final version didn't make much sense at all and the deleted scenes did nothing to explain.

Let me know what I can send you in return.

Cashiers du Cinemart - The Only Magazine That Matters

Does it suck any less than the released version? Because that sucked hard.

War does not make one great.

In my opinion the unreleased version is much much better than the one that hit the cinemas/DVD-shops. I got it as a 2x svcd version, and I´ll try to make a dvd of it. Quality isn´t the best, so if it gets too bad I might release it just like I got it... I´ll keep you posted...
Why not leave it as an SVCD, seeing as how that'll play just fine on DVD players, and turning it into a DVD will just add a lot of bloat to the file size?
Both SVCDs and DVDs use MPEG2 video and so using a good program like nero you wouldn't even recode the video at all so the quality wouldn't change, nor would the filesize, and you would be using one dvdr which by itself is about the same price as two cdrs but still saves on shipping, by the way are you still offering this?

Hey guys,
I know it’s been over 10 years since the last posting on this, does anyone still have a copy of this?


Same here, I would love to see this test screening version. Hopefully you check this. So curious to see these other scenes.