Save that pity bullshit for the dumb fucks who attack other fans and their legitimate arguments by calling them “haters” and gaslighting them. Also, they are separate from a franchise full of constant retcons, gaps in lore, and character assassination. Character assassination like:
– Anakin killing women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about in the first place (which is equally as bad as Luke trying to kill his nephew in TLJ since both do not show good men, let alone good writing). Not helped he repeats the same fucking problem by not doing jack about his visions of his wife dying pre-turn and only turning for a power that Palpatine admitted to not even know—all of which has him kill children AGAIN (and again undermining the idea of there being any good in him).
– Obi-Wan being turned into more of a liar than before since he didn’t recruit Anakin, he barely interacted with Anakin throughout the PT (where we barely got to see them as actual friends), he didn’t try to redeem Anakin during their fight on Mustafar, etc.–all of which undermines what Obi-Wan said in the OT.
– Luke’s nephew in the EU, Jacen, repeating his grandfather’s fall to the Dark Side, as well as killing Luke’s wife and fan-favorite Mara Jade—with her death being used as a loophole for Jacen’s “sacrifice” to complete his turn to the Dark Side (which itself went nowhere, which only adds to her death being as bad as Han’s in TFA).
– Tahiri (age 28) joining Jacen for a chance to see her dead boyfriend, aka Jacen’s brother Anakin, yet she molests Luke Skywalker’s 14-year-old son in the EU (source: Legacy of the Force, Book 9, chapter 10).
– Revan from Knights of the Old Republic going insane and getting himself killed TWICE in his bullshit attempts to stop the big bad of the Old Republic MMO–both times where he tried to commit genocide (not to mention undermining his reasons for when he first became a Sith Lord).
– The Jedi Exile from Knights of the Old Republic 2, who went on her own journey of self-discovery and even fought off 3 Sith Lords (one of whom could consume a planet), having her powers and even character development removed so that she can’t even fight well against guards and gets herself stabbed in the back like an idiot.
The OT may have its place and deserve recognition (even if RotJ is where the problems began) but the franchise it spawned is fucking shit, no thanks to George “these movies are meant for children” Lucas, the dumbass EU writers like Karen Traviss and Troy Denning (both of whom wrote Jacen’s fall, Mara’s death, and Tahiri molesting Luke’s son), etc.
A franchise which, by the way, has not learned a goddamn thing from its fucking mistakes in all these fucking decades.