Depending on my mood it might just be the original film, radio drama and books and comics from the 70s and 80s.
Or might extend to the entire Star Wars trilogy but nothing before 1997.
Some of the EU books are in there not all, i have to give it a thought, but the Zahn books the original ones not Disney.
Dark Empire I and II but not Empire’s End.
Tales of the Jedi, the X-wing books.
Basically, nothing prequel or Disney. Though I will say how much i enjoyed those prequel era games, comics, pre Filoni material.
I do like Young Jedi Knights and for me Jedi Academy trilogy is a mixed bag. But i wish there was an alternate EU after Vision of the Future which isn’t the Vong Invasion, so no New Jedi Order, and no Legacy of the Force, or Fate of the Jedi. Jacen doesn’t become Hayden Skywalker 2.0 .No New Sith of week and if there was way to do so, I would have limited the Superweapon of the week in Bantam and Dark Horse.
Anakin isn’t killed because George was confused over two Anakin’s. Mara isn’t killed. Boba Fett doesn’t do what he did in those books training Jaina.
Han, Leia and Luke retire gracefully and the new generation takes over. They aren’t slaughtered for shock value, die for completely no reason. Or lie down and will themselves to die.