Of all the things i dislike about Disney’s handling of Luke the worst was teaching Grogu about attachments like a prequel Jedi, not my Luke. Rey forgoing the teachings on attachment would be a start.
OT Luke and EU was never afraid of attachments. I mean i know those prequel films happened but seriously it never existed in lore before the prequels. Except in the screenplay draft of Star Wars from 1974.
Everything i love about episode 8 isn’t Luke becoming a prequel Jedi and a failure just like them repeating their mistakes and following the same narrow dogma.
Its the astral projecting bit, it’s the rebellion is reborn today and I won’t be the last jedi. Its the part of explaining the force is bigger than the light and the dark. Its bigger than the Sith and the Jedi. Its in all living things and defines the cosmos. Also Luke finally realizing how wrong the Jedi were but being too old and broken to make a change. So Rey has to take up the lightsaber instead. That i don’t know if its good or bad i’m split on that.
Edit: also please no More Death Stars. No return to Tattoine.