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Post #1619221

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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread
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Date created
9-Dec-2024, 4:38 PM

I think Rey does what Luke did in the EU and restores the Jedi. A lot of people are going to hate that. Its going to take some deft storytelling to win people over. I’m half convinced it won’t work, but flip a coin, I want to see them make a valiant effort to at least make it so Han, Leia and Luke’s deaths had meaning. My problem with ROS was the galaxy was in the same place as at the end of ROTJ except worse. No hope for Democracy, no Republic restored. Jedi order all but snuffed out. Every Skywalker is dead. What happened to the Empire, is the First Order really defeated forever, are the Sith finished for good. None of these were answered.

The galaxy’s only hope is a Palpatine. And her friend’s Poe, and Finn and Rose.