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The Star Wars Saga - From a newcomer's point of view — Page 3

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
She likely felt that way because she simply saw the PT, and felt the OT was to slow compared to the PT.
Which is a failure on Lucas' part for not being a good enough filmmaker to match the pace and style of his originals. If he had made the prequels in a retro kind of way, mimicking his old style, I'm sure he would have been praised for it and everyone would have said how clever it was of him to make a seventies style film in the nineties.

I don't think his intention was ever to "fit" the PT-effects wise with the OT. And he's not out to impress people. The entire reason he pushed the effects so much on the PT is because he was so happy that he could make it how his original vision saw it, which he never got a chance to do with th OT, where he had to make constant sacrifices. He talks in interviews of how happy he is with the PT, but how disappointed he initially was with the OT. I'm actually proud that he got full control to do whatever he wanted, and didn't listen to any of his co-workers, or any fanboys when making his decisions.

Wel a lot of thing could have been done. Why didn't greedo shot in the original version(he could have easily filmed that), why is jabba now there when he was fully introduced by greeedo. Answer me those question well you can't cuz so many of the changes of the OOT are retarded. Lucas couldh ave made the PT more like the OT if he wouldn't have gone crazy with CGI and he should have used more minatures. Look at Titanic and the lord of the rings and the chronicles of narnia (out friday) used a mix of minatures and CGI and it looks wonderful. Now i have no problem w/ CGI or the archival Star Wars editions i just find his changes riducules because they fucking changes the characters!!!!!
That is one of the biggest failing of the PT is it was never funny. Whenever it tried it just came off as bad lines read by the actor. Remember in AOTC, when ObiWan is chasing Zam Weisel in Coruscant and Anakin goes to find a speeder, and when they finally catch up with each other, ObiWan asks him where he has been? Anakin says, "Oh, yo know, I was........." I don't remember the exact words Anakin said, but it just wasn't funny! Every attempt at humor in the PT was just forced and wasn't funny. The OT was very funny, mostly between Han, Leia, and Luke, it wasn't forced, and it was the first scifi movie that was serious yet hysterical too. That combo is the reason I love those three movies.

Anakin couldn't find one that he liked, or something along those lines. And you're right. Most lines that are spoken sound as if they were read from a sheet of paper (which is actually true, during ADR).

To get back to the original posting about the 'enjoyment' of the viewing experience when watching the PT and OT in the same orde as the Star Wars timeline...
Although I do not doubt it could be a different experience, I wonder if it would have been affected in any way if the Original Trilogy for Episodes IV to VI was used instead of the Prequels?
I think none of the alterations to the OT add much (if anything) to the story or the characters. Some additions gave us a little more information on the back story, but most of them are 'window dressing' and re-work of special effects.
Originally posted by: Mr Bungle
It would like to a hear about and find more interesting, a proper "non-biased" sitting of this so called saga by proper film fans to review the actual quality of each actual film, not how good the effects are and how slow the film is etc, to see if they agree that the newer ones are seen by many as mainly crappy and the older films seen as better films etc etc, and see if they pick out the alledged plot holes, continuity errors which some people are picking out, to see if the saga is indeed flawless, it would more interesting than finding out about whether the P.T has better effects than O.T, the P.T is faster-paced etc

I should have my mom or my dad do that. She saw ROTJ the opening day but i doubt that she remebers much. I should have her watch all the DVD's and tell her when theres differences and what her opions are. That would be an interesting weekend. My dad saw both ESB and ROTJ hmmm
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
That's just what he wants.

You such an annoying dick head. Ok yes he owns them and filmarkers are a form of artists BUT who made they popular and made him a fucking billionaire
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
That's just what he wants.

what he wants sucks. that's his problem. and your problem is that you're too retarded to see it.
thank the maker
ARe you jsut some TFN person that loves to piss other people off
What he wants IS the movie. It doesn't matter what outside sources say like "Well, we all made you who you are so you should give us what we want." You chose to see the movie, he profited, and he makes the decisions because he owns it. He gets exactly what he wants, and we merely have to deal with it. Case closed.
why dont you just move in with George, then you can kiss his ass everyday in person, he'd love it.
thank the maker
Originally posted by: juicerino

No not you i was talking about Adam. Don't worry only adams the dick on this bored lol.

Is there anway Adam can be banned permantly because, one. everyone hates him, two. he's annoying as hell, three. He's starts threads like these just to start massive aruguments.
Originally posted by: juicerino
why dont you just move in with George, then you can kiss his ass everyday in person, he'd love it.

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
What he wants IS the movie. It doesn't matter what outside sources say like "Well, we all made you who you are so you should give us what we want." You chose to see the movie, he profited, and he makes the decisions because he owns it. He gets exactly what he wants, and we merely have to deal with it. Case closed.

I know we have to deal with it Wouldnt be nice of him for some of the people who stayed loyal to him for over 28 years to release it for a little while so they see the film as they did as a child. instead he decides to reward the loyal fans by letting his company market stuff like Revenge of the Sith toilet roll, Darth Vader garden sprinkler and other wonderful items for them to buy
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Originally posted by: Cable-X1
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
No. He's been here a while, as in a few weeks. Think about what you say before you type it. From the way you talked, it looked as if you assumed he has just joined.

Oh, WOW!!! He's been here a few weeks.....gee....still warrants a old-fashioned, polite welcome in my book.

I like how you try to use little arguements to try and get the heat off yourself, Adam. I think I hear your mother calling.....

Go to hell.

Best comeback I've heard from you yet, runt.


Capitalized so everyone on the board can here me........

I think we should all have a contest. When Adam posts something, the first person who replies and quotes what he says and puts IGNORED under it gets a point. The person with the most points gets something. What do they get? I don't know.....but at least he would get ignored and we'd all get a good laugh at his expense.
How about the person who doesn't respond at all wins. This is all so stupid. If Adam is posting to start something, why respond? Just forget him.
Originally posted by: 20th Century Mark
How about the person who doesn't respond at all wins. This is all so stupid. If Adam is posting to start something, why respond? Just forget him.

Yep...I agree. It is stupid. Trolling is stupid. Hear that, Adam?
Hm, if the poster who posted that actually did that. From a scientific point of view his test is null and, void. To come to a valid conclusion he would have to get at least 3 more participants. Also, he would have to show the original tester the original trilogy to see what her oppions of them are. Especially since she mentions the pacing is slow in the original trilogy but, she was watching the DVD editions. Therefore, she was watching the versions with more stuff added in. Thus, the pacing is slower. Who knows Empire might become her favorite if she saw the original version. Plus, the original versions of the prequels. Then, he would have to show the second participant the Original trilogy(sans Special edition) then the Prequel trilogy(sans Special editions). Then, show another person the Prequel trilogy(sans Special edition) with the Original trilogy(sans Special edition). Then show another person the prequel trilogy with the Original trilogy(sans Special edition). Then, compile thier reactions to reach a semi-clear consensus of how the saga should be shown. From my point of view the saga should be shown to newcomers in it's original version(all the movies with no general order).

Previous Signature preservation link

In my opinion, it's an almost impossible theory to test unless you could wipe someone's mind, because you only get one first impression. If they watch all six movies in numerical order and hate it, you can't then show it to them IV-VI and then I-III and get the same kind of results with a clean slate. It just doesn't work. So if this girl liked the movies in numerical order as her introduction, there's no way to know whether or not she would have liked them better the other way around.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.