I give Ronnie some credit he kind of saved that movie as much of a mess as it was. Nobody ever talks about how true to the character it was or how good Lando was in that film. People only care that is never made back its budget plus ad buy costs. You got that right I’m defending Solo and I’m one of its detractors.
Let’s not act like Rogue One wasn’t any less messy saved in editing and reshoots. So was Star Wars 1977 and Return of the Jedi.
Production issues are almost baked in for Lucasfilm. Other than Raiders which production has the studio made that wasn’t some issue or problem. Lucas saying Raiders had no problem is largely due to Robert Watts. Everyone knows what happened on Empire Strikes Back, that had a hell of a lot of problems. The prequels faced their own issues.
Each production has its own unique issues and compromises. If you can enjoy a film not see them, its because someone worked their ass off, some art department person, some set designer or effects technician. John Williams also deserves some recognition I’m glad they finally made a movie.
As for the Rey movie I’m more interested in that than Skeleton Crew, some nascent Jedi movie or Gorgo or Grogu or whatever his name is.