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Post #161254

Darth Richard
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.: The XØ Project - Laserdisc on Steroids :. (SEE FIRST POST FOR UPDATES) (* unfinished project *)
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Date created
6-Dec-2005, 8:27 PM
Originally posted by: weapon
The matte lines are by far the most annoying part about the original films. The are also the most distracting. Everything else I can live with.

Although they supposedly removed them in the newest DVD release, there are still places where I can clearly see them. I do not remember seeing them in the theater when I first saw SW. IT was only when I saw it on LD that I noticed the mattes.

I am with Rob, vote to remove them

God, I hate those things.

I no i see the matte lines also in the DVD's in other areas like (ESB)when Han and Lando are infront of the Millunein Falcon in some place (not cloud city) and (ROTJ) when Luke, Han, Chewie etc are on that space raft thing in the desert about to be killed theres a matte line around there head.