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Post #1610548

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Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?
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Date created
28-Sep-2024, 1:00 PM

The problem with mystery boxes is the fan theories are more interesting than what we end up with. Or you know they can suck like the Snoke theory about being Plagueis. I actually agree with Rian on that your snoke theory sucks.
I rather liked the idea of the lightsaber calling to Rey because she was Luke’s kid but that was just fan made theory.

Hearing JJ intended her to be a Kenobi sounds like crap I like Rey nobody over that.

Rey Palpatine self adopted Skywalker is meeting fans halfway but nobody was pleased.

Some fans liked Force Awakens and some liked Last Jedi, and but quite a few of both disliked Rise of Skywalker.

As for JJ i don’t think he any passion for Star Wars or Star Trek for that matter he is a guy they hire to direct these things who makes corporate product. I don’t think he made anything with genuine passion since maybe Super 8 or even the Bad Robot tv years before he was directing movies. JJ is not alone even Michael Bay makes passionless corporate assembly line junk like Transformers. Probably dozens of other directors I can’t think of off the top of my head have done the same for Marvel studios.

I think George had genuine passion for some aspects of the prequel and even Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, it makes you wonder if fans are just beyond pleasing when it comes to these things. and that was before hate watching was a thing and people went to something, so they review bomb the hell out of it on Rotten Tomatoes. I’ve never done that but I’m kind of bored of the same film criticism anyways.