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Post #1600616

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What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?
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Date created
25-Jul-2024, 5:32 AM

If fans can re-work these flabby eight part shows into a movie then they could too. It’s not the money for writers it’s the lack of direction, the lack of discipline. Bizarre choices and crappy film making in the Obi-wan show for example was edited down and corrected by fans for no pay. So if anything they need to spend less and make good storytellers work with that restriction.

Unfortunately they seem to have a myopic view and can’t see the real problems they’ve got or why these projects are so bad lately. Or they refuse to admit it’s bad. Or they don’t care. They certainly don’t seem to realise when something is working (Mando S1 and Andor) and when something isn’t. How can you fix such a lack of clearly defined quality control or even a lack of common sense? It seems pretty deeply ingrained now.