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Post #1599429

Darth Sadifous
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The Acolyte Film by Movies Remastered (SPOILERS)
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Date created
17-Jul-2024, 1:39 PM

That end was something and not in a good way in my opinion. The writing and acting for the most part teetered from subpar to just plain bad. I will try to be as spoiler free as possible, but the resolution as to who they sold to the public of the ultimate killer of Torbin, Indara and Kelnaca made absolutely zero sense. The “killer” was seen by countless people on in the Jedi temple at the same time of Indara’s death, not to mention the bar patrons that saw the attack and Mae was touted as the true killer with Osha arrested for her crime.

Also, I guess Vernestra has complete autonomy to do whatever she wants free of any interference whatsoever by the Jedi Council. The “twins” must truly be one person with multi personalities as that is the only explanation in my opinion for their constant 180 turnarounds in motives and values from one episode to the next. I will truly be impressed if you can salvage this series. The Sith cameo and some of the lightsaber fights were cool, but it was all spectacle and little substance that made little to no sense in regards to what we know from the larger canon predating it (in terms of release; not timeline).