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Star Wars 2004 DVD question... (I have no clue where to post this...)


I'd like to ask if anyone knows... (or suspects) about the Star Wars OT DVD packaging.

I like the idea of keeping the same style of the package to the prequel DVDs.. It's nice and unifiying.
but what I DONT like is that they made the WIDESCREEN editions silver and the FULLSCREEN editions
gold. And the prequel DVDs get the pleasure of having a GOLD and warm look to them (while the fullscreen is with a blue band over it).

Now, I don't like that, and I have no absolute clue (or suspicion) on why they did that...

would anybody know/suspect why?

please feel free to respond.


that way everyone would be the Widescreen and then people who wanted continuity bought the gold to go the Prequal packaging
could it be a secret message that is plotted to say "The originals aren't as good as the prequels"?


That really pissed me off as well that they didn't establish continuity between the color styles. Hopefully, they'll fix this for the 2007 archival editions.
No, they established continuity within the respective trilogies. OT is silver. PT is gold.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

No. Either make the DVD cases of the saga gold or silver, not gold for some of the films, silver for the others.
What was done makes sense, you just have a different opinion regarding the appeal of the asthetic.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

The coloring decision was done "from a certain point of view." If Lucas is so interested incontinuity, why didn't he make sure that the coloring was the same? All they would have had to do was switch the WS/FS coloring on the OT set, and everything would yhave been fine.
Your "certain point of view" is just that. If they had changed the gold/silver scheme for the DVDs, people would be complaining about it not being like the scheme of the classic VHS tapes. DVD covers aren't very hard to make and print out though. I've made at least 5 different versions of SW covers myself. So how about it? I can almost see an "AdamWanKenobi 'Establishing Continuity' Gold Boxset" in the near future.

Or just wait for the immenent saga boxset with all 6 films that comes in silver for WS or gold for FS.

My Projects:
[Holiday Special Hybrid DVD v2]
[X0 Project]
[Backstroke of the West DVD]
[ROTS Theatrical DVD]

but they're not as good in quality and never will be printed as crisp and sharp as official versions though.


Originally posted by: Lord Phillock
but they're not as good in quality and never will be printed as crisp and sharp as official versions though.

If you get them printed at Kinko's on glossy paper they do. My MagFan edits look just as official on my shelf as the official sets.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

I hear they're going Bronze for Eps VII - IX.
I initially had a problem with the colors too, but I'm fine with it now. The official site actually had an article up which explained the colorings. They were done to differentiate between the prequel and original trilogy. I'm fine with that as they obviously are fairly different. And also according to the article, the original trilogy is platinum, which is worth more than silver. Not to mention, gold is a tacky color.
My certain point of view is that the series is a unified saga, therefore the coloring on the DVD's should be unified.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
My certain point of view is that the series is a unified saga, therefore the coloring on the DVD's should be unified.

Adam shut the hell up your so annoying. The OT will always be better than the PT(thats why its Platium). Don't get me wrong i love the Pt yes even TPM but the OT is better!!!!
Originally posted by: Darth Richard
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
My certain point of view is that the series is a unified saga, therefore the coloring on the DVD's should be unified.

Adam shut the hell up your so annoying. The OT will always be better than the PT(thats why its Platium). Don't get me wrong i love the Pt yes even TPM but the OT is better!!!!

Hey! Calm down!
Everyone has the right to give his opinion, even if it bother you! I find you rude and really intolerant. Hey! It's just entertainment movies, you don't have anything else to do in your life?...
Originally posted by: Darth Richard
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
My certain point of view is that the series is a unified saga, therefore the coloring on the DVD's should be unified.

Adam shut the hell up your so annoying. The OT will always be better than the PT(thats why its Platium). Don't get me wrong i love the Pt yes even TPM but the OT is better!!!!

I never said the PT was any better than the OT. I said I consider all of the films one saga. I like all of the films equally. As, Kaal-Jhyy said above, they're meant to be entertainment and to be enjoyed.