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Post #159863

Darth Richard
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The Prequels: What they should have said...
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Date created
1-Dec-2005, 8:12 PM
Originally posted by: CO
This is from a new scene added in ESB Super Duper Special Edition DVD when Han Solo is about to be frozen in carbonite:

(Just as Vader gives the OK to send Solo in carbonite)

Vader: Wait, what is on Chewbaccas back

Solo: That is C-3PO

Vader: My C-3PO

Solo: What do you mean, yours?

Vader: I created him.

Solo: No you didn't

Vader: Well up to this point you're right, but there is this backstory and I make C-3PO

Leia: Is that a joke, whose idea was that?

Vader: I believe it was Lucas.

Leia: Wait a second, you are this icon, this badass, choking guards in this movie, blowing up planets, and you created C-3PO?

Vader: It gets worse, see this guy next to me, Boba come here.

Boba Fett: Yes, Lord Vader

Vader: This guy is the clone template for the stormtroopers

Solo: Are you kidding me, what are they doing to our trilogy?

Vader: I am not done yet, Your boy Chewbacca over there is boys with Yoda

Solo: What, he never told me he hung out with Yoda?

Vader: Yeah, it was this quick scene in ROTS, so Lucas could market it to the older fans to get their fannies back into the seats because of the first two turds he put out.

Leia: Please is there anymore?

Vader: Do you know why I am Darth Vader?

Leia: Because you were corrupted by power?

Vader: No, it was a bad dream,

Leia: A dream, did you consult a pshyciatrist?

Vader: No................I never thought of that................I went to this leader of the galaxy, who turned out to be the sith we were looking for, and he told me I could save my wife, but never really showed me, and then she died, and I'm stuck in this suit...............

Leia: That is kinda dumb?

Vader: Welcome to the prequels.
