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Post #1596405

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The Empire Strikes Back - a general Random Thoughts thread
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Date created
24-Jun-2024, 5:55 PM

I was thinking about the dinner scene on Cloud City. It’s a great, iconic scene - Han and Leia casually walk into the dining room, believing everything is okay, only to see Vader just sitting there at the head of the table.

But like… it’s one of those things that makes very little sense if you think about it. What was the point of staging the dinner? Why didn’t Vader simply arrange for Stormtroopers to come to Han/Leia’s hotel room and just arrest them there? Why the elaborate ruse? Presumably, the Empire already had control of the entire city even before Han and Leia arrived, so the subterfuge just seems unnecessary.

Also, I wonder what happened after Vader disarms Han… did they actually sit and eat dinner? (In earlier drafts, apparently, they did actually sit and eat dinner… not sure how they depict Vader eating, or if he refrains from eating.)

BedeHistory731 said:

Aren’t there schools on the Enterprise-D? I would’ve thought The Traveler couldn’t go within 1000 feet of one.

Obviously, the Traveler manipulated space and time to remove himself from Starfleet’s Interdimensional Sex Offender Registry database.