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New Lucas interview - the originals "look terrible"



Lucas also defended his decision to go back and “clean up” his original trilogy, using new digital technology to make the film look the way he always wanted it to.

“I’m a firm believer that the director, or the writer, or the filmmaker should have a right to have his movie be the way he wants it,” says Lucas. Fans hoping for a 4K restored version of the original 1977 Star Wars shouldn’t hold their breath.

“We did release the original one on laserdisc and everybody got really mad, they said ‘It looks terrible.’ And I said ‘Yeah, I know it did,'” said Lucas. “That is what it looked like.”

I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.


I’ll just take your word for it since they’ve 404 the article its gone. Lucas said in 2011 it was an oxymoron to release the original.


JadedSkywalker said:

I’ll just take your word for it since they’ve 404 the article its gone. Lucas said in 2011 it was an oxymoron to release the original.



There is a working link here:


and an archived version here: https://archive.ph/MjpYq

a screenshot of the part of the article digitalfreaknyc refers to:


“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


Nobody gaslights Original Trilogy fans like George Lucas does.

Or spouts bullshit like George does.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


Yeah the laserdisc did look bad as a bonus disk in 2006 on the DVD, and people were rightly mad. I don’t remember anyone hating the laserdiscs when they were released except for how expensive definitive collection was. Friends of mine, schoolmates all wanted to be able to afford a laserdisc player or the movies. Most of us had to settle for VHS. I didn’t get a player til 2005.

I still to this day wonder why George thinks people will throw rocks at him for the originals.

My favorite part of the article is Lucas passing shot at Disney and how they don’t understand the Force, lol. Same old George.


That interview confirms one more time that the GOUT 2006 DVD was Lucas’ deliberate middlefinger in the face of the OT fans. And his stupid argument that it looked bad and that is why his numerous Special Edition iterations are better … what a terrible & dumb justification.

Also worth noting as he mentions ‘the director, or the writer or the filmmaker’ … he basically justifys his ‘clean-ups’ on EMPIRE and JEDI since he was not the director. As i remember in earlier interviews he always referred to the directors right.

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


Haarspalter said:

That interview confirms one more time that the GOUT 2006 DVD was Lucas’ deliberate middlefinger in the face of the OT fans. And his stupid argument that it looked bad and that is why his numerous Special Edition iterations are better … what a terrible & dumb justification.

Also worth noting as he mentions ‘the director, or the writer or the filmmaker’ … he basically justifys his ‘clean-ups’ on EMPIRE and JEDI since he was not the director. As i remember in earlier interviews he always referred to the directors right.

Absolutely this.

Trying to pass of laserdisc level quality as the best quality the originals would look?! A pity he’d never do an interview or talk with someone who’d actually call him out on his claims, or simply question him on them.

The originals, preserved by the fans, look better than anything Lucasfilm has released on the OT within the last 20 years. People may want to question that.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


digitalfreaknyc said:


“We did release the original one on laserdisc and everybody got really mad, they said ‘It looks terrible.’ And I said ‘Yeah, I know it did,'” said Lucas. “That is what it looked like.”

I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.

Yes. Cue a thousand Lucas fan boys on reddit and social media telling everyone that is the real reason why George won’t release the original cuts on any format later than DVD:

‘It looks terrible.’ And I said ‘Yeah, I know it did,'” said Lucas. “That is what it looked like.”

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


Caston said:

Nobody gaslights Original Trilogy fans like George Lucas does.

Or spouts bullshit like George does.

Unfortunately nobody will call George out on his claims either, and they’ll soon become taken as fact.


Keyan Farlander said:

The originals, preserved by the fans, look better than anything Lucasfilm has released on the OT within the last 20 years. People may want to question that.

That is a very pertinent point.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


What a walking talking dumpster fire of a man.


I wanna say he was referring to the 2006 DVDs which used the Laserdisc transfers for their source but you never know with this man. It’s sad yet unsurprising that he uses everyone’s disappointment of the actual TRANSFERS as justification that the original versions of the movies were in fact inferior/incomplete films.

If those LD masters had been upgraded to 16:9 with a bit of upscaling I guarantee 60%-70% of the complaints people had with those DVDs wouldn’t have happened. Sure the 1993 masters weren’t perfect. Coloring was off at times, some poor DNR applied but with some minor enhancements and upgrading to modern video proportions they could’ve been acceptable in 2006.

It’s just sad that he’s so convinced the SE’s were better because people were upset with those 2006 DVDs (again I’m assuming that’s what he meant) when it was the transfers people were upset with not the films! He clearly feels “if they aren’t happy with those versions in a older outdated video master that isn’t even upscaled for modern viewing than it’s clear the films were bad”. (Sighs)


Haarspalter said:

That interview confirms one more time that the GOUT 2006 DVD was Lucas’ deliberate middlefinger in the face of the OT fans. And his stupid argument that it looked bad and that is why his numerous Special Edition iterations are better … what a terrible & dumb justification.

Also worth noting as he mentions ‘the director, or the writer or the filmmaker’ … he basically justifys his ‘clean-ups’ on EMPIRE and JEDI since he was not the director. As i remember in earlier interviews he always referred to the directors right.

Very much this. He promised Kersh final cut, the same thing he promised to Steven on Raiders as well. Okay Lucas directed the first film in 1977, but he didn’t direct Empire, or Jedi.

To be honest this entire i interview irks me, I’d argue the EU writers knew Star Wars better since he claims to be the only one who gets Star Wars. And of course he is shitting on Disney again despite having sold the company and recently backing Iger saying making magic is not for amateurs.


The complete Cannes interview:


Fast forward to timecode 53:08 … the interviewer asks Lucas a question from a fan, if he will release the original versions in the future. Lucas drops the “it looks terrible” quote a few seconds later.

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook