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Post #1592049

Keyan Farlander
Parent topic
Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?
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Date created
25-May-2024, 6:57 AM

Lexa C said:

I think there is already a thread on this conversation? In the General Star Wars Discussion forum? Probably in the “Rankings” or “Vs & Similarities” sections?

Edit: I found it. Prequels or Sequels; Which do you prefer - and why?

Do similar threads not get merged together on here?

Some really cool fan edits for both the PT and ST make them far more enjoyable than watching the official cuts.

I do like Sequel fan edits far more than the prequel fan edits. That is no disrespect to the editors, it is just what they have to work with.