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Post #1591890

Jar Jar Bricks
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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
24-May-2024, 11:17 AM

Acbagel said:

It’s a decent idea Starkiller, but I would say it doesn’t work fully because with a proper understanding of the force, we know that the future is always in motion.

Which is why it’s so insanely stupid that the original reason why Leia stopped being a Jedi is because she sensed her son would die at the end of her Jedi path. Thank God Ascendant v5 will be fixing this up. And I think this problem is still present to a certain extent in the original TLJ because Luke acts not only on the darkness already within him but also what he saw he was going to do.

My point in bringing this up is that both JJ and Rian seem to have characterized Luke and Leia as believing in the infallible nature of prophecy. Probably because their father did end up fulfilling his own prophecy, from their perspective. Plus, the idea that Luke believes his own visions to be infallible because he’s the “legendary” Luke Skywalker does play into the movie’s theme of the Jedi being arrogant and failing as a result.

Personally, I’d rather Luke’s arrogance and boldness due to his legendary feats be the reason he fails to assess his situation properly rather than him wanting to snuff out his nephew due to some bad dreams in the present.