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Post #1591679

Lexa C
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Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?
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Date created
23-May-2024, 9:25 AM

I think there is already a thread on this conversation? In the General Star Wars Discussion forum? Probably in the “Rankings” or “Vs & Similarities” sections?

Edit: I found it. Prequels or Sequels; Which do you prefer - and why? (2020 thread, in General Star Wars Discussion)

Ranking the Star Wars films (2016 thread, in General Star Wars Discussion, but likely a good source for reviews after TROS’ release)

For me, neither. I don’t like either of the ST or PT.

If it came to a push, I’d probably go for the ST, simply because it had the “Big 3” characters from the OT, and they all had impactful ends in the ST films.

And that the ST didn’t directly contradict what was previously established in the OT (and the EU) in the way the PT flagrantly did. Maybe that the acting performances were stronger in the ST than the PT in general, but I’m not sure what story the ST was even trying to tell.

Some really cool fan edits for both the PT and ST make them far more enjoyable than watching the official cuts.