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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant Special Edition (WIP) — Page 7


I do think it kinda works better if he’s trying to put them at odds with one another rather than join together. Only one can become “all the Sith” by inheriting his spirit. Especially because Rey’s vision can only possibly show Daisy on the throne, not along with Kylo. Even though they refer to such a thing in the original film, no such footage exists.

So it’s probably best to stick with the idea that only the strongest bloodline can take the throne. How exactly Palpatine’s dialogue could convey that in this scene without spoiling Rey’s heritage early is possibly worth considering.


I do think it kinda works better if he’s trying to put them at odds with one another rather than join together. Especially because Rey’s vision can only possibly show Daisy on the throne, not along with Kylo. Even though they refer to such a thing in the original film, no such footage exists.


What do you think of the last line though
“Who is she?”
“…Our blood…”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Yeah, I’ve made wayyyy to many posts in this thread over the past week so I don’t blame you for missing it. But this is just going to be an Ascendant+ edit now. The only difference in Rey’s backstory will be that Palpatine didn’t know she existed while he was hunting for his escapee “son” (because let’s be honest, why SHOULD he know about a young child - she was presumably born on Jakku). He hunts down Rey’s father, they hide her with Unkar out of desperation to keep her a secret, Palps finds out his son cannot use the Force (as the novelization states) and orders him terminated. But Ochi has a vision of Rey when he kills Rey’s father. So he was on his way back to Exegol to show Palpatine the dagger’s vision before he gets trapped in the sand cave.

This makes Ochi’s actions actually make sense. Previously, he doesn’t think to search around Niima Outpost for Rey before blasting off in his ship with her parents. Or notice the fact that his primary target is screaming on the surface below. But if he doesn’t know that he’s even looking for a young girl, just a grown clone of Palpatine, then all of this makes sense. It also allows Palpatine to claim that he never wanted her dead, because he never takes any direct action against her. Sure, he sent Kylo after her, but he could argue he knew that Rey would kill him and become stronger. Whereas a young child Rey wouldn’t be able to defend herself against a Sith assassin.


As v5 of Ascendant approaches its release date, I’ve set my sights back on this thread. I’ve updated the description with several (smaller) additional changes I’m considering. I’m thinking the following should be good for the revamped Kylo Ren dialogue:

“It was Palpatine who had your parents taken. He was looking for your father. But he learned your father was a powerless failure. So he gave the order.”


“So that’s where you are… Palpatine wants one of us to take the Dark Throne.


“I’ll come tell you why.”

I know why Palpatine wants us to fight for the Dark Throne.

“Tell me.”

"Because he saw what you would become. You don’t just have power. You have his power. You’re his granddaughter.

“My mother was the daughter of Vader. Your father was the son of the Emperor. What Palpatine doesn’t know, is we’re a dyad in the Force, Rey. Two, that are one. We’ll kill him. Together. And make a new order.


That “It was fear that kept me here” really needs to be implemented into V5. Has it?


Well, the line you’re describing is the original one, so I guess I’m confused whether or not that’s the one you prefer. If it is, that’s the one Hal went with for v5 mostly because he doesn’t have a problem with the way it’s phrased. I’m not completely determined to change it in this edit, either, so if there are some people that don’t want it changed for some reason I’m willing to oblige for that.


This edit may or may not revert back to its original plans based upon the reveals in the most recent episode of The Acolyte. Slight spoilers ahead:

We see in The Acolyte that it’s possible for children to be conceived “without a father”, yet still be visibly related to the person that initiated the ritual to start the pregnancy. Depending on if they delve further into this ritual in later episodes will determine, at least for me, if this edit should return to the idea that Anakin and Rey are the offspring of Palpatine through his remote manipulation of the midichlorians. Especially if it’s revealed that the Sith were the ones that taught their coven this method of conception. One thing that will definitely be removed, if I do return to this idea, is the kiss between Kylo and Rey, because they will be genetically related at that point. It’s visibly clear that Osha and Mae are related to the leader of the coven despite her being biologically incapable of starting the pregnancy in her partner, which would mean Anakin and Rey would genetically be Palpatine’s children if he indeed used the same ritual.

Alternatively, I may end up just completely disregarding The Acolyte as canon in my books and never watch it again because of what it implies about the prequels and Anakin. It all really depends on if they further touch on what was revealed in this episode, and how. It seems to me that they will, because:

a character does mention something about the Jedi potentially discovering how Osha and Mae were conceived and implying it would be very bad. Which gives the implication that the Sith are somehow involved.


Or you keep it ambiguous, and then as Luke seems to imply, it doesn’t matter how or why or who created anyone. What matters is who they choose to be.


Right, that would still be the message, but I’d nevertheless need to remove the Reylo kiss because we’d have an instance in canon wherein it would appear that the person who performs such a ritual is biologically related to the offspring. So might as well have Kylo’s reveal be something like:

“Palpatine influenced the midichlorians to create life. First my grandfather. And then you. We… are both Palpatines.”

Even if Rey and Kylo choose to deny Palpatine’s control over them, I doubt they’d be willing to risk making out like that LMAO.


Another thing I noticed is that Osha and Mae appear to share a Force dyad. This will line up even better with our new backstory to explain how that came about for Rey and Kylo seeing as how they all would share similar origins now.