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Post #1591176

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Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series
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Date created
19-May-2024, 7:06 PM

I’ve been working on how to improve Thrawn’s appearances through season 3.

In the original, Thrawn appears, gets a major victory against the Rebels then allows them to escape as it’s not the larger rebellion.
His next appearance is on Ryloth where he accidentally runs into Hera. Uses this an an opportunity to study his opponent and let’s the ghost crew escape for some reason.
He then assigns Konstatine to deal with the rebels, who fails, in Iron Squadron. This one is odd, as at the beginning of that episode he appears confident Konstantine can handle the job.
He correctly identifies an inside helper for the rebellion in An Inside Job.
He then begins to make progress identifying where the Rebel base is in Warhead.
Thrawn then scores another win, identifying Agent Kallus as Fulcrum.
He then fails again in Secret Cargo.
And finally we hit the season finale where he ALMOST takes out the Rebels.
This character ark feels a bit all over the place. He’s portrayed as a brilliant military tactician but is constantly racking up loses compared to victories.

In the V4s, his character ark will progress like this:

S03E01 - Thrawn gets could get the win but holds off on eliminating the rebels as it’s not the greater force he knows they have.
S03E02 - He makes no appearance.
S03E03 - He is closing in on the Rebels home base
S03E04 - He draws Hera out to Cham to give him the opportunity to study his opponent. He still let’s the Ghost crew escape but as we know he’s looking for their base and wants ALL the rebels. I feel it makes much more sense now.
S03E05 - He makes no appearance
S03E06 - He correctly identifies Kallus as Fulcrum and uses that to his advantage.
S03E07 - He nearly takes out the Rebels.

I think this structure makes him a far more competent and threatening villain. He only loses once, at the end of the season. And only by something he couldn’t have accounted for, the Bendu. If anyone has any more suggestions on how to improve this, I’d love to hear it!