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Post #1591080

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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread
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Date created
19-May-2024, 5:04 AM

With the new rumors of Boyega returning, a bunch of people on Reddit are now saying things like “don’t do it John, they don’t deserve you!!”

I’m trying to be excited for this movie, but it really is deflating when literally every little piece of news about it gets lambasted with so much scrutiny. It’s hard to ignore all the haters every step of the way.

I’m leaning closer and closer to just skipping this movie altogether.

This sorta thing goes both ways with me, though. I don’t wanna see this Rey movie cause people are already being too negative about it, and conversely, I don’t wanna see the new Deadpool movie cause people are being too positive about it and acting like it’s gonna be the best movie ever just because it might have a bunch of cameos and stuff. I don’t like seeing people get their expectations too high (especially for such superficial reasons). I guess I just don’t like “extremist” culture in general. Or maybe I’m falling out of love with movie culture altogether.

I think from now on I’m just not gonna go to the theaters anymore and just wait the few extra months for the things to come to streaming, so that I can watch things after most of the “hyperbole” has died down.