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Post #1590893

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Lord of the Rings 35mm (FOTR/TTT/ROTK/FOTREXT released)
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Date created
17-May-2024, 1:08 PM

K035 said:


I just discovered this project and I’m dying to see the trilogy in this quality. I went to a LOTR marathon for the 4K release, and I was so disappointed. The denoiser killed the magic, and the FX are not made to be seen in this quality. I don’t understand this idea of making old movies as sharp and clean as possible.

I saw this extract uploaded on YouTube: https://youtu.be/WEj9owdr09c?list=LL, and it looks so wonderful. Is it extracted from this Lord of the Rings 35mm scan project? Would it be possible to have a PM with a link to download it? Thank you so much for doing this. Fortunately, there are people like you who take time in their lives to do things that the entertainment industry hasn’t done correctly. This is the power of the LOTR fan base.

What Peter Jackson did with these films and The Hobbit is unforgivable, I love this 35mm versions (Just wish the colors were graded) and the extended bluray boxset. Too bad the released 4k is dnr and scenes got mutilated with P. Jackson, the hdr and colors was good though but not enough to save it. On another note, it’s laughable how he dnr’ed the Hobbit also which was shot digitally!