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Post #1590529

Jar Jar Bricks
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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
15-May-2024, 12:50 PM

Here is my feedback for the Ahch-To scene. I’ll check the rest out later and update this post or make a new one:

  • “Leia sensed it during your training” sounds too quiet compared to the other lines around it. Interestingly enough, the next AI line sounds loud enough, perhaps even a bit too loud.
  • The new lines in the flashback scene are also too quiet. I’d also lessen the gap between “Despite losing everything, and everyone… Leia always chose compassion over hatred.” I think it’s okay to shift this silence over to the opposite side.
  • “You’ll take both sabers to Exegol” has not been replaced with “Let Leia’s legacy guide you on Exegol”

Other misc. stuff:

  • Leia’s “Come home” could probably be shifted left just a tad, so she says that first, there’s a beat, and then you see Han’s medal instead of in rapid succession
  • Kylo’s “You were right” is clearly using my really old AI model based on his Lego lines (instead of the film lines) and stands out. We should replace this. And probably also replace his lines about her parents paying for her protection. I will work on this tomorrow morning.
  • Sors Bandeem sounds a bit better, but if you have headphones on you can tell that the microphone quality has that background noise static and is not up to snuff with the other voices. It helps that it’s a more limited cameo, though.
  • 3PO sounds amazing! Zorri fits in a lot better than I thought, as well.