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Post #1589835

Jar Jar Bricks
Parent topic
The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
11-May-2024, 10:31 PM

I believe that Hal decided to use the following exchange I made:

Poe (unaltered): How long has it been like this?
Zorri: Ever since Skywalker. But everyone’s only out for themselves. (Unaltered from here) I’ve saved up enough to get out…

The trouble is that, while it sounds exactly like the actress for Zorri, the voice modulation effect wasn’t quite captured by the AI. So the scene should sound pretty good, but you’ll probably be able to notice the voice modulation being gone for the wide shot and then suddenly returning for the close-up.

So if anybody has a good idea of how they did the voice modulation for Zorri’s helmet that would be very helpful for v5.