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Post #1588840

Jar Jar Bricks
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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
6-May-2024, 4:33 PM

Thanks, Darth!

Just briefly glancing at that script I don’t believe it’s real. The fact that the crawl mentions what Kylo is doing in the last paragraph with ellipses but then doesn’t start with him breaks conventional Star Wars standards. There are also too many things in it that retroactively wouldn’t make sense to have been removed later on. Like evil, vision Rey being described as having Sith eyes, but that not showing up in the final cut of TROS. And of course Finn’s Force-sensitivity, which feels half-baked and implemented at the last second with release TROS. It would be malicious to have removed this much content from his arc in a later draft.