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The New Republic era | from post-ROTJ to the Sequel Trilogy | a general discussion


The fight for peace and freedom vs oppression, fascism, and tyranny never ends. Even after the climatic events of Return Of The Jedi in the Original Trilogy! However, it would have been rewarding to have seen some actual peace and prosperity, even for a short time, for all those who fought so hard for it; the beloved characters in the Original Trilogy, in Rebels, Rogue One, Andor, and Solo. Not to forget all those characters in the many great games, comics and books featuring in that time.

Maybe that would have served as a more effective and compelling story? Before we see the eventual disagreements, vested interests, and cracks appear in the New Republic. The various factions working to undermine the NR at every move, patiently building up their own forces, readying themselves to making an eventual play for power? The warlords, pirates and profiteers, organised crime, weapons manufacturers, the Imperial Remnant, the First Order, and any Dark Side force-wielders out there.

The New Republic had the daunting task of not only creating a new system of government to replace the oppressive tyrannical Empire, but to also unite the galaxy, keep the peace, and win over the sceptics. All without the thousands of Jedi to help maintain peace and justice, as they did for a thousand generations in the Old Republic. The NR would clearly struggle. We now know they always have, and will. Right up until the First Order easily takes back power with a single shot from Starkiller Base.

All of the above should make for some reasoned, logical and compelling storytelling. Established factions and antagonists given room and time for intrigue, excitement, danger, new characters and stories. Not too dissimilar from the early EU. And yet, for some of us, the onscreen depiction of this New Republic has felt “off”, lacking, poorly and lazily written; with some truly head-scratching decisions that defy logic or credibility. To the point it seems the NR will continue to be written and depicted as being dumb & inept throughout their tenure, up to the events of TFA. Even legacy characters, notably Hera and Mon Mothma, appear to be almost different personas than portrayed in the pre-OT/OT era. Whereas others are conspicuous by their absence.

How do you view the writing and portrayal of the New Republic era?

A compelling story? Solid enough? Mixed? Disappointed? Struggling to care? Insulted by the portrayal of the NR? The writers’ repeating the ‘quick and easy way’ of depicting the New Republic as being almost 2D and inept, or making baffling and nonsensical decisions to simply ‘handwave away’ any plot issues… just to move the current plot forward more easily & quickly?

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


A loose timeline for the New Republic era:

^ from www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/12jomih/where_the_mandalorian_stands_in_relation_to_the

(All credit to the very talented u/mikev431. I just added the 2 new series and reposted the image on here)

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


My take is:

It would require an Andor-level series, a Gilroy-level series, to rescue the mess that has been both writing and the portrayal of New Republic.

In the Mandoverse series and films to come; the New Republic will continue to be shown as dumb or 2D as they have been portrayed so far, and also for the next 20-25 years, right until the events of TFA. A “convenience thing” for the writers. An easy “get-out”, perhaps; the ST portrayed the NR Govt as inept, then they too can also lazily write the NR as being unapt in the here and now, and not have to concern themselves too much about canon, or building up to events in the ST.

Unfortunately, it appears so. What a waste for 30 years of storytelling opportunities in the Star Wars Universe. As well as being a completely underwhelming and baffling journey’s end for the OT-era heroes.


The Sequels:

The ST films chose to basically ignore the setting of the galaxy in the New Republic; instead opting for proxies, such as First Order and Resistance, without much explanation. We are introduced to the NR Govt in the same scene in which it is destroyed. A few planets in the Hosnian system are destroyed with a handful of ships in orbit. It is inferred the entire New Republic government and entire navy were destroyed in this one attack.

From a world-building, setting, stakes, and logical point of view, I found it underwhelming, devoid of logic, and problematic. Even more that we never learn any more about the effects and fallout from this in the other two films of the Sequel Trilogy.


The Mandoverse (so far; so spoilers for season 3 of The Mandalorian and season 1 of Ashoka):

First season Mandalorian gets a pass. Mentions of the NR were limited, yet logical. There were some mentions of a cautious distrust for the New Republic, a feeling they were inept or not interested by events in the Outer Rim, which is fine given the smaller-scope stories told in season one.

Then The Mandalorian attempted to start telling bigger stories in seasons two and three, with more scope and connectivity to the galaxy overall. Also as setup for other new series such as BOBF and Ahsoka, as well as the never-made Rangers Of The New Republic series. And a newly announced Dave Filoni film, likely now the “culmination of the climactic story event” that was announced by Lucasfilm back in 2020. Edit: And now with Jon Favreau’s Mandalorian & Grogu film being announced, in 2024.

Yet for me, the writing, portrayal, and execution of this onscreen leaves so much to be desired, it is almost insulting, to the point of being close to laughable. There are just some examples:


• The NR ship captain doesn’t radio HQ when people claiming to be “Jedi” want to board his prison transport ship. He does not hail the Jedi, nor talk to the Jedi on a screen, just letting them aboard with no other checks or basic precautions. So he lets them on, despite not believing them to be Jedi, and even goes to personally meet them in the hangar bay. That another prisoner recently was freed from a NR transport ship (who also has links with the prisoner his ship is carrying) does not deter him. Also, no one seems to tell Luke about these lightsaber wielding force-wielding dark jedi?


• The NR Govt using “mind-flayers”; despite not modifying them so they cannot be used for more nefarious means, as they have been previously under Imperial rule. Instead you can simply turn the dial up to maximum and leave them to be operated by Elia Kane, a member of Gideon’s former command staff, who just happens to be still around, until she is finally left alone with Pershing. There is no follow up to what happens despite the NR Govt officials knowing she was the last person to see Pershing before his mind was fried. There are seemingly no machine logs, records, or CCTV, or any follow up to this incident.


• Elia Kane, again. This time she happens to be working in an office for NR Govt bureaucrat Colonel Tuttle, presumably so she can intercept anyone like X-Wing pilot Carson Teva, or anyone else requesting NR help, against Gideon or other Imperial forces. In among the exposition dump, Tuttle sides with Kane over Teva, though not for reasons of logic, but simply that the plot demands it, and it is easier to simply write the NR as being inept. Despite the increased and open Imperial, Gideon and pirate presence around Navarro, it is stated the NR Govt don’t have the resources to help.


• After Ahsoka and Hera’s fight vs some Imperial loyalists at the NR Shipyards in Episode 2; Hera questions: “How can they still be loyal to the Empire?” Ahsoka bafflingly replies: “It’s not loyalty. It’s greed.” What?! The Imperial loyalists literally (and stupidly) shouted “For the Empire!” before attacking Ahsoka and Hera in a shootout. Not only as a “warning” of “hey, I’m going to shoot you on behalf of the Empire”, instead of having a far better chance of, y’know, just shooting them. There is no other indicator onscreen of “greed” being a factor to these Imperial loyalists.


• Hera takes her 10 year old kid away from the New Republic fleet and into a battle zone on The Ghost. Isn’t that a war crime? Something Senator Xiono should probably mention at her court-martial, but for some inexplicable reason he doesn’t address this.


• The conversation between Mon Mothma and Hera, with Mon letting Ahsoka know she is going to be court-martialled (or how it should have occurred; it is a little lengthy, so click on the “Expand” button to see more):

Mon Mothma: “Do you have Morgan Elsbeth?”

Hera (instead): Nearly, we just missed them. If your Senators hadn’t delayed us last time, we’d have like caught them in time, and both Morgan Elsbeth and the Dark Jedi would likely be in our custody.

Mon Mothma: “Do you have evidence of Imperial Remnant?”

Hera: Yes. The two Dark Jedi that boarded a New Republic ship, killed many of the crew and freed the prisoner Morgan Elsbeth (who previously gave up information about Thrawn to Ahsoka) have just been missed; but we know they are using a high powered Hyperspace Ring to apparently go find Thrawn. The same Hyperspace Ring whose engine parts were supplied by Imperial Remnant or those loyal to the Empire (and announce themselves as such: “For the Empire!”), and the place where an Inquisitor and Imperial HK droid fought Ahsoka just afterwards. And whose location we found out about from the memory cell of a HK droid sent by those Dark Jedi. Our ships’ sensors have readouts of that Hyperspace Ring and we also have testimony of the New Republic pilots. Probably other logs and records as well. In 5 minutes: Ahsoka is going to follow the two Dark Jedi and Morgan to the next galaxy over, using these Hyperspace traveling “Star Whales”. The same “Star Whales” we know that took Thrawn and Ezra disappeared years ago during The Battle of Lothal; a well known Rebel engagement vs the Empire, and mention of these “Star Whales” can also found in the Jedi Archives. Luke may be interested in this y’know; Thrawn, Imperial Remnant, Dark Jedi, missing Jedi, Force-attuned “Star Whales” with long history of hyperspace abilities. Why am I answering these insipid questions to you? Have you been hit on the head or taking some stupid pills since Andor? Why are you acting like this? Oh, you’re now an ancillary character in a Filoni series. Filoni, of course. Got it.

Mon Mothma: “You and Ahsoka Tano are to return to Coruscant with the Fleet. The Senate oversight Committee is going to determine whether your command should be germanely suspended. You are going to need her testimony to help you. And yes, I too wish the scenes with the New Republic were written not as an afterthought with little substance, weight, or realism, and lacking in awareness of the past events. (Has anyone seen Tony Gilroy? Or even competent writers? Just asking for a friend)."


• At the actual court-martial of Hera (it is a little lengthy, so click on the “Expand” button to see more):

Senator Xiono: “An incident [on Seatos]? Yes. But this report reads like a child’s fairy tale. Jedi, False Jedi, star maps, star whales, distant galaxies. Honestly, are we to believe any of it?”

(Yet we have seen holo-recordings of Rebel ship boarded by the Dark Jedi showing the fight. What about autopsies of New Republic officers killed by the Dark Jedis’ lightsabers? Ahsoka is a Jedi - does he not believe in Ahsoka or Luke? Perhaps he should go ask Luke for his opinion? Star maps and star whales: they were present when Thrawn disappeared at the Battle of Lothal, and have been seen again taking Ahsoka to the place where Thrawn and Ezra ended up (and see other reason above ‘given’ by Hera). What is like “a child’s fairy tale” about this again? Other than the writing for New Republic Government scenes? Holograms, logs and records of these events occurring from New Republic itself is not good enough to count as evidence of existence? And more to the point, not brought up by any other member of the Senate Council at this court-martial, or at previous hearings and meetings.)

Hera: “Morgan Elsbeth was leading a coordinated effort by the Imperial Remnant.”

Senator Xiono: “Objection. “Imperial Remnant” Such a sensational term. There is no proof of any coordination between the scattered and dwindling numbers of Imperial forces.”

Captain Teva: “What about the droid attack on the wookiees? What about the conflict on Mandalore?”

Senator Xiono: “Exactly my point. Gideon was a warlord acting on his own. There is no proof of a greater conspiracy and thus no immediate threat to this Republic.”

(2 important prisoners freed from Republic custody with proven links to Imperial Remnant. Gideon has links with Elsbeth. Secret bases built on Mandalore, high tech Mandalorian suits of armour, cloning, force ability experiments etc. NR Shipyards building powerful hyperdrive rings by Empire loyalists being used by Elsbeth to bring Thrawn back. All the work of one wanted and escaped Imperial Warlord operating outside his prior ‘allocated space’. Really?)

Hera: “If Thrawn returns, that will change quickly.”

Senator Xiono: [Scoffs] “If.”

Hera: “I don’t know what frightens me more, the possibility of what might happen, or your unwillingness to see it.”

Senator Xiono: “I’ll tell you what I see. I see a General who abuses her authority for personal gain, and I will not stand for it. I motion that General Syndulla be court-martialled for disobeying a direct order.”

Enter Deus Ex 3PO with Leia cover reasons.


Ahsoka keeps getting away with filler - an 18 minute YouuTbe video from Actuall Andrew (ignore the title, the first 5 minutes focuses on some of the New Republic issues mentioned above, and a few logic issues throughout this episode of Ahsoka)


• At the end of Ahsoka, Ezra makes it back to Republic space in a TIE Fighter and onto Hera’s ship. He then disembarks from the TIE and walks into the docking bay in full stormtrooper uniform, including still wearing the helmet. Ezra doesn’t know about what happened days ago on board the ship with Baylon and Shin pretending to be Jedi to board a NR ship. Yet everyone on Hera’s NR ship should be aware of it. And ready to blast that stormtrooper repeatedly as soon as his hand made any sudden movements. But no, the scene is written purely for dramatic effect and nothing else.


In conclusion: It feels like they are going out of their way to make the New Republic, and certain legacy characters seem incompetent, and doing so with very little nuance. That the writers don’t know how to write politics, and so the characters then come across as flat moustache-twirling villains or inept bureaucrats, with the plot operating on a level of briskly getting from point A to B without wanting too many questions asked. Such little effort or quality is put in, that the New Republic repeatedly comes off as feeling two-dimensional and inept, something that the viewer then doesn’t really care about, or is invested in.

Showrunners and writers should know better ignore their own history and continuity to keep the current story moving. Or for convenience. In addition, the New Republic are written as continuing to scrap their fleet and also the Imperial fleet, despite stating they are already stretched thin and have little resources to spare, on several occasions. Logic is not a forte, here.


Andor proved that the more political or bureaucratic scenes and plotlines can be done well, be illustrative and engaging, even to the point of wanting to see more. An entire cast of intriguing characters (even the “background” or “ancilliary” folks) have or are a part of integrated and compelling story arcs, all executed in a logical, believable, and absorbing manner. So why not approach the New Republic in a similar rich, deep, and layered fashion too?

^ not forgetting those characters that made up Table 5 at Narkina 5: Jemboc, Xaul, Taga, Ham, and Ulaf. One Way Out!


It feels good to write out all of that. Cathartic, even. Sorry if it is too long, drones on, or is repetitive in places.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


Yes, I’d agree with much of that. It is also not much of a legacy for the OT characters, is it?

To me, the Mandoverse doesn’t seem to be well thought out or planned, in regards to the New Republic.

Although I must also say that, season 1 and some episodes of Season 2 of Mando apart, the writing for the Mandoverse in general has been poor. Vague, sketchy, and lacking in quality. Too often relying on memberberries and empty fan service, with poor set-up, puzzling plot and character decisions, resulting in unsatisfactory pay-offs. And some poor execution in general. Yet even then, the New Republic scenes do stick out as being particularly lacking.

At this point I’m not even sure an Andor-level series could rescue or repair this Mandoverse. I’d love to see such a show, I really would. But it would be more for personal head canon, than a corner turned in quality or a bar-raising event, like Andor should have been for other Star Wars shows.

It is why I’m looking forward to SW content that is free of Filoni+Favreau: The Acolyte, Skeleton Crew, Dawn Of The Empire. Far more than Ahsoka S2, Mando S4, or the NR Filoni film, which I’m not planning on watching. I just don’t want to be disappointed by any more underwhelming and flimsy F+F releases.

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


Some YouTube videos I found on some of the New Republic topics that the OP gave as examples of NR ineptitude/poor writing:

This makes the New Republic look AWFUL - 2 min video at EcksClips : the Mindflayer scene in Mandalorian.

The New Republic is TOO NICE [Why is it So Creepy??] - 9 min video at Geetsly’s : Dr Pershing, Elia Kane and the mindflayer.

The Mandalorian season 3 set a plague unto my household - 17-28 mins into video - at Sheev Talks : NR writing & worldbuilding.

This New Republic scene explained EVERYTHING - 90 sec video at EcksClips : NR Govt not having enough resources.

The New Republic is Immediately Stupid in the Ahsoka Series - 8 min video at Eat Garbage : NR Captain lets ‘Jedi’ onboard.

This was pretty dumb writing - 1 min video at EcksClips : resources to try and recover the powerful hyperdrive?

This made the New Republic look TERRIBLE - 90 sec video at EcksClips : Ahsoka series - Senator Xiono vs Hera.

Is The Star Wars New Republic TOO Stupid? - 12 min video at New Rockstars : Ahsoka makes the NR Govt look incompetent.

Is the Mandalorian ruining the New Republic? - 7 min video at EckhartsLadder : Pershing + demilitarisation of the NR fleet.

The New Republic Problem - 16 min video at Generation Tech : setting the New Republic on a disastrous course.

Ahsoka & The Problems with the New Republic - 12 min video at Thor Skywalker : politics of the NR + issues in the shows.

Why did the Ahsoka series make the New Republic so stupid? - 10 min video from The Outer Rim : NR incompetence.

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


I wonder if the cancelled Rangers Of The Republic series would have helped this?

If it was the quality of Season 1 of The Mandalorian then, yes. If more like later Mandoverse seasons, probably no.

I think a series with the focus on the NR would help, maybe by others than Filoni or Favreau. Or at least a series that focuses on the NR being well written and developed. I hope they do start to write that aspect better.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


I suspect that much the RotNR storyline has been incorporated into Mando S3/Ahsoka/upcoming Filoniverse content, rather than being dropped outright. Given the interconnected nature of the Filoniverse RotNR’s story would probably directly affect the other shows (e.g. Thrawn’s return), necessitating it being retained in some form. And the NR subplots do feel shoehorned in places, especially in Ahsoka.
If you go by that theory, it would seem as though the NR WAS supposed to be incompetent all along. Presumably this is a consequence of the Sequel Trilogy portraying them as such.


Caston said:
Unfortunately, it appears so. What a waste for 30 years of storytelling opportunities in the Star Wars Universe. As well as being a completely underwhelming and baffling journey’s end for the OT-era heroes.

I agree but please stop making me want to cry. (Excellent post BTW)

In conclusion: It feels like they are going out of their way to make the New Republic, and certain legacy characters seem incompetent, and doing so with very little nuance. That the writers don’t know how to write politics, and so the characters then come across as flat moustache-twirling villains or inept bureaucrats, with the plot operating on a level of briskly getting from point A to B without wanting too many questions asked. Such little effort or quality is put in, that the New Republic repeatedly comes off as feeling two-dimensional and inept, something that the viewer then doesn’t really care about, or is invested in.

I don’t think they’re trying to make the New Republic seem incompetent. They just suck at writing this stuff. All the Favreau/Filoni shows basically suck. Mandalorian Season 1 was an anomaly, and even in Season 1, the signs of creeping bad writing were starting to show. This has nothing to do with the New Republic specifically - it’s just the Favreau/Filoni shows happen to be set there, and Favreau/Filoni suck at Star Wars.

I haven’t watched Ahsoka and probably won’t. I’ve accepted that for the time being, Disney is not capable of producing any quality Star Wars content, with the stunning exception of Andor.

As for the New Republic, any number of fascinating political-intrigue type stories could be told in this setting. But the big elephant in the room is the glaring absence of the OT heroes. We all know the main action driving the politics of the New Republic should involve people like Leia, Lando and Luke. But those characters are gone. The actors are old or dead, and I don’t know if a deep-fake/AI main character is financially or technically feasible yet. Even if it is (or even if they decide to recast), Disney has shown little interest in pursuing something like this - and given the depressing fates of the OT heroes in the Sequel Trilogy, it might be difficult to get too invested in such stories anyway.


You’re spot on! There’s no rescuing it though, it’s too late. The only scenario I can think of that would salvage it would be if they separated this part of Disney canon out into its own sphere and went extremely wacky with it. Like basically turn it into a convoluted over the top anime series full of the most absurd retcons and “lore” details.
This is why I actually liked Rise of Skywalker, it started to do that. Very fast paced, cracked out editing, stupid sith daggers, possessed C3PO, goofy unnecessary characters, new force powers everywhere, meme dialogue, Palpatine returning and shooting bass boosted lightning into the sky, etc. Setting all the other problems with The Last Jedi aside, Rise of Skywalker was so much more fun. Just take that to its logical conclusion instead of trying to do a very serious important story about the rise of fascism or whatever. (not referring to Andor)
Doing a high quality Andor-level series would just be wasted on something that doesn’t deserve that treatment.

If we were starting over from scratch, that’s another story.


Star Wars: The Fall of the New Republic

www.youtube.com/watch?v=bItmwgOFXzM - an 8 minute video from the SWFT YouTube channel

Description: ‘A montage of the establishment, reign and fall of the New Republic, a galactic government in Star Wars.’

I felt more emotion and investment in the New Republic and watching the above video than I have from the continuing underwhelming depiction of the New Republic on-screen. A cleverly worked fan edit short from SWFT.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


Keyan Farlander said:

Star Wars: The Fall of the New Republic

www.youtube.com/watch?v=bItmwgOFXzM - an 8 minute video from the SWFT YouTube channel

Description: ‘A montage of the establishment, reign and fall of the New Republic, a galactic government in Star Wars.’

I felt more emotion and investment in the New Republic and watching the above video than I have from the continuing underwhelming depiction of the New Republic on-screen. A cleverly worked fan edit short from SWFT.

That was a good watch. Although it makes me sad after watching it that there are good segments in among what we have seen in the portrayal of the New Republic, but they are unfortunately without a foundation, an immersion or emotional connection for this era.

Avoiding the OT legacy characters, or having them appear as weird CGI faces and not actually doing much, only helps that. Instead, too often we are often “told, not shown”, and not “show, don’t tell”. We are then expected to connect with what little setting this era have been given. None of it seems planned out very well, it comes off as ad-hoc, gimmicky, or lacking. Like Caston says in his OP: it and the OT heroes deserves so much more, and I agree with Channel when he says the writing for it sucks, which leads me to being somewhere between frustration and indifference for this New Republic era.

So much that I’ve given up on it. No more Filoni & Favreau series or films for me. They just don’t appeal to me anymore, and I’m fed up of feeling frustrated and indifferent. Instead I’ll stick to Andor, Visions, Acolyte, Skeleton Crew, and The Dawn of the Jedi film. Rey’s NJO film too, given it is set past that ST era and is being made by new talents that will hopefully bring something fresh and different.

(the above isn’t a slam at anyone who still enjoys or loves the Mandoverse shows, excited by the newly announced F&F content, or the New Republic era. Everyone just has different views, and I’m glad that others are appreciating and eagerly watching them.)

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


Sideburns of BoShek said:

Avoiding the OT legacy characters, or having them appear as weird CGI faces and not actually doing much, only helps that. Instead, too often we are often “told, not shown”, and not “show, don’t tell”. We are then expected to connect with what little setting this era have been given. None of it seems planned out very well, it comes off as ad-hoc, gimmicky, or lacking. Like Caston says in his OP: it and the OT heroes deserves so much more, and I agree with Channel when he says the writing for it sucks, which leads me to being somewhere between frustration and indifference for this New Republic era.

I think many of us feel similar, or are starting to feel this way, particularly on “told, not shown”, and not “show, don’t tell”.

So much that I’ve given up on it. No more Filoni & Favreau series or films for me. They just don’t appeal to me anymore, and I’m fed up of feeling frustrated and indifferent. Instead I’ll stick to Andor, Visions, Acolyte, Skeleton Crew, and The Dawn of the Jedi film. Rey’s NJO film too, given it is set past that ST era and is being made by new talents that will hopefully bring something fresh and different.

I like that positivity, and willing to give these non-F&F shows and films a fair crack. A little like Vladius’ separation example above. I still hope the Mandoverse does improve, I hoped it after Andor, where me and others naively thought the bar in Star Wars may have to be raised, but obviously wasn’t. But there really doesn’t appear to be any indication or willingness to improve or change things up, so I imagine that aspect of Star Wars, along with the current New Republic era, will continue along the disenchanted path it is already on.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


I have a theory about all this. Basically, the Star Wars content we see streaming now is not how Disney originally planned to use the IP back in the early 2010s after they acquired Lucasfilm. Disney was operating originally under a completely different “general direction” for Star Wars, which has been completely turned upside down in the subsequent years due to multiple unforeseen events.

Originally, the plan was to move on completely from the OT era and characters. The original actors were very old, and it was time to reboot and move on. The Sequels were to be a “swan song” for the OT heroes and the OT era in general, much like Star Trek: Generations was a final goodbye to Captain Kirk. The future was to be focused mostly on the Sequel era. (Evidence for this is heavy early investment in Sequel-era themed parks, merchandise and promotional materials). The idea was that the Sequel Trilogy would pave the way for decades of future Star Wars content set in the Sequel era and possibly starring Sequel Trilogy characters. Yes, there were also those “Star Wars story” movies set in the OT-era, like Rogue One, Solo, the aborted Boba Fett film, etc. but those were limited in scope, and the main thrust going forward would be to move on to the Sequel era. This would effectively skip the New Republic period entirely, because that period simply wasn’t relevant in light of the Sequels, where the New Republic was unceremoniously destroyed as an after-thought, along with Luke’s aborted Jedi order.

But then a few unexpected things happened:

  1. Unlike TFA, which was resoundingly successful by any metric, TLJ was financially successful but caused widespread division among the vocal fan-base.
  2. The Solo movie bombed financially, causing uncertainty about the franchise’s future.
  3. A quaint little side-project called “The Mandalorian” was released on streaming, and became an unexpectedly enormous success and merchandise-sale driver.
  4. Some idiot somewhere ate a bat or something, or possibly left the door open at some lab in China, causing a world-wide pandemic that killed millions and forced the survivors to stay at home and watch Disney+.

Given these unexpected developments, Disney began to heavily redirect resources into their fledgling streaming service, with the Mandalorian as the centerpiece. This brought Favreau/Filoni into the spotlight at Disney, as their low key side-story about a Boba Fett rip-off was now largely driving merchandising sales (thanks to a cute 50 year old Mogwai rip-off). Favreau/Filoni then used their newly acquired clout to steer the enormous ship that is Disney in the direction of a new era of interconnected streaming content with Din Djarin and Grogu as the centerpiece. By pure happenstance, this also placed the New Republic (earlier shrugged off with a giant red reboot beam) into the forefront of all new Star Wars content.

This led to the awkward situation where Disney inadvertently became hyper-focused on the time period directly following ROTJ - the one era where we’d expect to see Luke, Lando, Leia and Han living out our childhood EU dream story-lines (including of course the creation of Luke’s new Jedi Order). But unfortunately, Disney (A) has no real plan (or perhaps even ability) to bring these characters back as the focus of their own stories, and (B) has already resigned these characters to the dustbin of history by having them all die in increasingly depressing ways throughout the Sequel Trilogy, to pave the way for newly rebooted Sequel-era counterpart characters. So now we’re left with this bizarre situation where we increasingly delve into the politics of the New Republic right after ROTJ, but Luke and Leia are almost entirely off-screen and barely involved in the ongoing struggles of the government they fought so hard to establish. On top of this, there’s almost no point in seeing what they’re up to anyway, because as interesting as Luke’s new Jedi Order might have once seemed, we already know it goes up in flames and has no lasting impact. It’s a narrative dead-end, so the writers have to just clumsily tip-toe around the OT heroes when writing stories set in the New Republic.

Basically, the New Republic, and all the OT characters associated with it, have already been thoroughly rebooted. We were never meant to go back and revisit them. But now that unforeseen economic/cultural circumstances have pushed Disney to revisit this era, we’ve ended up with some very weird story-telling parameters indeed. We’re back in the New Republic, but all the OT characters seem to be ghosts.


I think you are absolutely spot on. Just imagine if LF 1) hadn’t knee jerked at the reaction to TLJ and instead doubled down on worldbuilding and expanding that era, building also on the success of their new characters, 2) hadn’t taken the wrong lesson from the success of Mando s1 and instead done more carefully low-key character projects similar to what made it so popular, 3) expanded the NR era with books and comics, as originally planned, allowing for OT characters to play a more natural role, even if the conclusion of their stories is predetermined.

Ghosts is absolutely how it feels, the least they could do if this is how they’re doing it, is recast Luke and Leia, it wouldn’t be perfect, but they wouldn’t be in limbo



You know, a weird byproduct of the way Disney depicts the New Republic is some very interesting (and likely inadvertent) political messaging. The Prequels depicted (poorly) the failure of a democracy and the rise of totalitarianism, driven by a populace who chose to “elect” an Emperor because they favored security over personal freedom. The Republic failed to resolve the Separatist conflict, embraced a massive war, resulting in an unprecedented military build-up as prelude to a police state. The messaging here is pretty obvious: don’t give your leaders too much power for the sake of security, and be skeptical about the military-industrial complex. It was a pretty typical message for the Bush-era, post 9-11 environment the Prequels were released in.

A decade later, the Disney Sequels come out, followed by all these New Republic based Disney+ shows. And bizarrely, Disney seems to have inadvertently imbued their content with the opposite message. In the Sequels, the New Republic government defunds its military and stubbornly refuses to believe the First Order is a serious threat. Only Leia takes measures to fight the First Order, and she is proven to be right.

Then in the various New Republic Disney+ shows, we see a similar dynamic: New Republic politicians and bureaucrats are constantly skeptical about any military threats to the Republic for some reason. Only our heroes (and an offscreen Princess Leia) take reports of any national security threats seriously. And of course, our heroes (and offscreen Leia) are always proven correct.

So bizarrely, Disney+ Star Wars is giving off something like a neo-conservative pro-war, pro-national security message: “Make sure you maintain a strong military and stay alert for national security threats - enemies of the Republic are everywhere! Don’t be a peace-loving idiot like that Senator in the Ahsoka show - build up your military and increase your defense budget!” The messaging tells us we need a strong military-industrial complex, otherwise our old enemies will regroup and take us out.

Of course, I don’t think this messaging is intentional. It’s just a fluke stemming from poor planning beginning with Force Awakens. J.J. Abrams wanted to do a soft reboot of the OT, which meant resetting the Galaxy back to Empire vs. Rebels. So the New Republic had to go. (J.J. didn’t care how. Just blow it up!) But in order to justify how it was destroyed so easily, the writers concocted this whole backstory where the New Republic government dismantles its military and inexplicably doesn’t take any national security threats seriously. So Leia has to go off on her own and fund a “resistance”. This weird skepticism of national security threats is then carried over into the Disney+ shows.

Anyway, I just think this inadvertent pro-military messaging is really hilarious.



^ from the Tales of The Empire trailer

New Republic soldiers appear to be Star Wars answer to Star Trek’s red shirt trope from some 60 years ago.

No substance, no real interaction or belief they could independently function in their surroundings, and therefore limited viewer immersion in the stories which they appear. They simply exist to then disposably die in some sort of attempt to raise stakes or tension for other characters in badly written, unengaging, predictable stories.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


^ Also their uniform sucks. In ANH, I always thought those soldiers in the Tantive IV were like Alderaanian security or military forces. But somehow this uniform became the standard New Republic uniform.